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Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

Your support of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC helped us fight many tough battles over the last seven years and though we were not successful in making sure that President Trump defeated Joe Biden so that we would have four more years of making America Great again, we did succeed at convincing more minority voters than ever before to vote Republican.

We are currently developing our strategy, battle plan and budget for this year and next, and I will be sending it out to you when it's complete. However, I just can't make it final until I have your opinion on a number of important issues.

While we know from polling numbers that our work to convince minority voters to stop voting for the Democrats and vote in line with their values has been successful, we still have more work to do.

Over the last four election cycles we have made gains, that's why it's imperative we continue our work to win over Black, Asian, Hispanic and Latino voters.

But we must do more...

For instance, the results of this past election have caused us to think that it's time to pass Term Limits for the U.S. Congress.

After all, a sitting president may only serve two consecutive terms, 34 states impose the same limits on their governors and presently, 15 states have term limits for their state legislators... so why shouldn't there be term limits on U.S. Senators and Congressman?

We believe that the time for Term Limits has come.

But since the Stars and Stripes Forever PAC is YOUR superPAC, it's what you think that matters!

So please take a few moments to let me know what you think about Term Limits and a few other important issues...

Should we focus our efforts solely on minority voter outreach, or should we also try to pass conservative legislation like Term Limits?

Would you support Donald Trump in 2024? Who else would you like to see run in 2024?

  Start 2021 Supporter Survey NOW ›››  

Upon review of the responses, I will use your opinion to outline our 2021-2022 Agenda and Strategy and set our budget.

John, your opinion is critical to help me set our priorities moving forward, so I'm really hoping you'll complete your 2021 Supporter Survey today.

The battle for America continues and I truly hope that you will lend your support today to help us continue to fight and that you will take a few minutes to respond. I really want, need and value your opinion.

John Philip Sousa IVWith gratitude,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC