Green Party of Canada

Hi Friend,

I’m sure you’ve heard the rumours that an election could be called this spring. We need to be ready.

Right now, we’re raising funds for our strongest campaign yet, and there are less than 3 days left to reach the goal we’ve set!

You can help us get ready.

Your donation record
2021 Donation total: $0.00
Donation suggested today: $10.00
Cost after tax credit: $2.50

Give today

We’re building momentum. Greens are gaining media coverage, allies and national interest. The tipping point is here and we can lay the groundwork for a successful election with your help.

It’s your support that makes electing more Greens to Parliament possible. 

Many thanks,

Emily Fearon
Communications & Fundraising Coordinator
Green Party of Canada

P.S. Don’t forget: our fundraising deadline is less than three days away! 


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Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.