
A new report from Politico says Donald Trump is already working with GOP megadonors to inject hundreds of millions of dollars into boosting Republican candidates and Trump-aligned causes.

Next month in Palm Beach, Trump will meet with a powerful network of Republican donors looking to fund the effort to retake the House and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections. They saw what Democrats could do when we worked together—and now they’re going to devote massive resources to prevent it from happening again.

With the end of the first quarter just days away, we need to get focused on building a team that can win again in 2022. Will you help us out by chipping in $5, $10, or whatever is meaningful to you right now?


We’re going to have our work cut out for us, John. But we have the blueprint for how to win—all we have to do is repeat what we did in 2020. We have to march, volunteer, talk to our neighbors, make calls, knock doors, and most importantly, vote.

Building up our resources early on in the election cycle is also incredibly important. So, if you’re able, please click here to rush a contribution before the end of the quarter.

Thanks for all you do,
