Web Version: [link removed]
This is the September 2019 issue of the library newsletter.
The National Drugs Forum 2019 with take place in Croke Park on 5 November, with the theme Inclusion
Health. You can register here [
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We have introduced a new Irish alcohol research [
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] page on our website to provide easier access to alcohol-specific evidence.
To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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], Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Drugnet Ireland.
Health Research Board. (2019) Drugnet Ireland. Issue 70, Summer 2019 , 32 p.. Dublin: Health
Research Board.
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Longford alcohol-related harm profile 2019.
Goggin, Deirdre and Cullen, L and O'Kane, J and O'Donovan, D and Mason Mohan, C (2019) Longford
alcohol-related harm profile 2019. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
[link removed]
Status report on alcohol consumption, harm and policy responses in 30 European countries 2019.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2019) Status report on alcohol consumption,
harm and policy responses in 30 European countries 2019. Geneva: World Health Organization.
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Alcohol use, regular use, disorder and remission from use disorders in Northern Ireland: a
prevalence study.
Bunting, Brendan and Bharat, Chrianna (2019) Alcohol use, regular use, disorder and remission from
use disorders in Northern Ireland: a prevalence study. Addiction Research & Theory , 27 , (4) , pp.
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Census of drug and alcohol treatment srvices in Northern Ireland - 30 April 2019.
Northern Ireland. Department of Health. (2019) Census of drug and alcohol treatment srvices in
Northern Ireland - 30 April 2019. Belfast: Department of Health.
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Editorial. Minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland.
Mooney, John D and Carlin, Eric (2019) Editorial. Minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland. BMJ
, BMJ 2019;366:l5603 , pp. 4-5.
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Alcohol Action Ireland submission to the Department of Children and Youth Affairs on its Statement
of Strategy, 2020-2022.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (2019) Alcohol Action Ireland submission to the Department of Children and
Youth Affairs on its Statement of Strategy, 2020-2022. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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Alcohol consumption.
European Commission. (2019) Alcohol consumption. Brussels: European Commission.
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Purchasing over the counter (OTC) medicinal products containing codeine - easy access, advertising,
misuse and perceptions of medicinal risk.
Wells, John Sg and Bergin, Michael and Van Hout, Marie-Claire and McGuinness, Pádraig and De
Pleissisc, Jaco and Rich, Eileen and Dada, Siphokazi and Wells, Richard and Gooney, Martina Ann
(2018) Purchasing over the counter (OTC) medicinal products containing codeine - easy access,
advertising, misuse and perceptions of medicinal risk. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
, 21 , (1) , p. 30049.
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Walls are not the answer! Addiction nurses show the way in cross-national collaboration.
Clancy, Carmel and Kelly, Peter and Loth, Christien (2019) Walls are not the answer! Addiction
nurses show the way in cross-national collaboration. Journal of Addictions Nursing , 30 , (3) , pp.
[link removed]
Clients' views on the importance of a nurse-led approach and nurse prescribing in the development of
the healthy addiction treatment recovery model.
Comiskey, Catherine and Galligan, Karen and Flanagan, Jean and Deegan, Joan and Farnann, Jane and
Hall, Aine (2019) Clients' views on the importance of a nurse-led approach and nurse prescribing in
the development of the healthy addiction treatment recovery model. Journal of Addictions Nursing ,
30 , (3) , pp. 169-176.
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State of the art in European addictions nursing: perspectives from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and
the Netherlands.
Clancy, Carmel and Kelly, Peter and Loth, Christien (2019) State of the art in European addictions
nursing: perspectives from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands. Journal of Addictions
Nursing , 30 , (3) , pp. 139-148.
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"Debt on me head": a qualitative study of the experience of teenage cannabis users in treatment.
James, Philip David and Comiskey, Catherine and Smyth, Bobby P (2019) "Debt on me head": a
qualitative study of the experience of teenage cannabis users in treatment. Journal of Addictions
Nursing , 30 , (3) , pp. 211-218.
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USI National report on student mental health in third level education.
Price, Aoife and Smith, Hazel Ann (2019) USI National report on student mental health in third level
education. Dublin: Union of Students in Ireland.
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An Garda Siochana annual policing plan 2019.
An Garda Siochana Strategic Planning Unit. An Garda Siochana annual policing plan 2019. Dublin:
Policing Authority of Ireland.
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Irish Prison Service strategic plan 2019-2022.
Irish Prison Service. (2019) Irish Prison Service strategic plan 2019-2022. Longford: Irish Prison
[link removed]
Unlocking the power of data for criminal justice research, policy-making and practice.
Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development. (2019) Unlocking the power of data for
criminal justice research, policy-making and practice. In: ACJRD 21st annual conference, 5 October
2018, Dublin.
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Psychosocial, psychiatric and work-related risk factors associated with suicide in Ireland:
optimised methodological approach of a case-control psychological autopsy study.
Arensman, E et al (2019) Psychosocial, psychiatric and work-related risk factors associated with
suicide in Ireland: optimised methodological approach of a case-control psychological autopsy study.
BMC Psychiatry, 19, (1), p. 275.
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Cost of youth tobacco-control policies in seven European countries.
Leão, Teresa and Perelman, Julian and Clancy, Luke and Hoffmann, Laura and Kinnunen, Jaana M and
Mélard, Nora and Nuyts, Paulien A W and Richter, Matthias and Rimpelä, Arja and Lorant, Vincent and
Kunst, Anton E (2019) Cost of youth tobacco-control policies in seven European countries. European
Journal of Public Health , Early online .
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Innovative thinking and legislation enforcement are key to reduce children's tobacco smoke exposure.
Frazer, Kate (2019) Innovative thinking and legislation enforcement are key to reduce children's
tobacco smoke exposure. The Lancet. Public health , Early online .
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Safe haven: a study on the needs of refugee children arriving in Ireland through the Irish Refugee
Protection Programme.
Ní Raghallaigh, Muireann and Smith, Karen and Scholtz,, Jennifer Jean (2019) Safe haven: a study on
the needs of refugee children arriving in Ireland through the Irish Refugee Protection Programme.
Dublin: Children’s Rights Alliance.
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The evaluation of DEIS at post-primary level: closing the achievement and attainment gaps.
Weir, Susan and Kavanagh, Lauren (2018) The evaluation of DEIS at post-primary level: closing the
achievement and attainment gaps. Dublin: Education Research Centre.
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EMIS-2017. The European men-who-have-sex-with-men internet survey: key findings from 50 countries.
The EMIS Network. (2019) EMIS-2017. The European men-who-have-sex-with-men internet survey: key
findings from 50 countries. Stockholm: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
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Implementation of Penal Policy Review Group recommendations. Seventh report of the Implementation
Oversight Group to the Minister for Justice and Equality.
Implementation Oversight Group to the Minister for Justice and Equality. (2019) Implementation of
Penal Policy Review Group recommendations. Seventh report of the Implementation Oversight Group to
the Minister for Justice and Equality. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Prison recidivism 2011 and 2012 cohorts.
Central Statistics Office. (2019) Prison recidivism 2011 and 2012 cohorts. Cork: Central Statistics
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The Parole Board annual report 2018.
Parole Board. (2019) The Parole Board annual report 2018. Dublin: Parole Board.
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National Office for Suicide Prevention: annual report 2018.
National Office for Suicide Prevention. (2019) National Office for Suicide Prevention: annual report
2018. Dublin: National Office for Suicide Prevention.
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Dublin Simon Community annual review 2018.
Dublin Simon Community. (2019) Dublin Simon Community annual review 2018. Dublin: Dublin Simon
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Office of the State Pathologist annual report 2018.
Ireland. Office of the State Pathologist. (2019) Office of the State Pathologist annual report 2018.
Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Department of Defence and Defence Forces annual report 2018.
Ireland. Department of Defence. (2019) Department of Defence and Defence Forces annual report 2018.
Kildare: Department of Defence and Defence Forces.
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Evidence Resources
European prevention curriculum: a handbook for decision-makers, opinion-makers and policy-makers in
science-based prevention of substance use.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2019) European prevention
curriculum: a handbook for decision-makers, opinion-makers and policy-makers in science-based
prevention of substance use. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 172 p.
[link removed]
Immediate impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol purchases in Scotland: controlled interrupted
time series analysis for 2015-18.
O'Donnell, Amy and Anderson, Peter and Jané-Llopis, Eva and Manthey, Jakob and Kaner, Eileen and
Rehm, Jürgen . (2019) Immediate impact of minimum unit pricing on alcohol purchases in Scotland:
controlled interrupted time series analysis for 2015-18. BMJ, 366 (l5274)
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Time for safer injecting spaces in Britain?
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2019) Time for safer injecting spaces in Britain? London: Drug and
Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Hot Topic
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Supervised consumption sites: a nuanced assessment of the causal evidence.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2019) Supervised consumption sites: a nuanced assessment of the causal
evidence. Drug and Alcohol Findings Research Analysis 5 p.
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HCV testing in NSP (needle and syringe provision) community pharmacies pilot (phase 2). Report and
Verma, Suman and Phipps, Emily and Cunniffe, Dee and Paranthaman, Karthik . (2019) HCV testing in
NSP (needle and syringe provision) community pharmacies pilot (phase 2). Report and findings. London
Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C. 29 p.
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Monitoring the elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat among people who inject
drugs in Europe: the elimination barometer. Technical Report.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2019) Monitoring the elimination of viral
hepatitis as a public health threat among people who inject drugs in Europe: the elimination
barometer. Technical Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 45 p.
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Rapid synthesis: examining the impacts of educational interventions for families affected by opioid
McMaster Health Forum. (2019) Rapid synthesis: examining the impacts of educational interventions
for families affected by opioid use. Ontario: McMaster University. 32 p.
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Injectable opioid agonist treatment for opioid use disorder: a national clinical guideline.
Fairbairn, Nadia et al. (2019) Injectable opioid agonist treatment for opioid use disorder: a
national clinical guideline. CMAJ, 191 (38) 7 p. DOI: [link removed]
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Health inequalities resource pack.
ASH. (2019) Health inequalities resource pack. London: ASH.
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Exploring patterns of Housing First support: resident journeys.
Homeless Link. (2019) Exploring patterns of Housing First support: resident journeys. London:
Homeless Link. 37 p.
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Cannabis use, anxiety, and perceptions of risk among Canadian undergraduates. The moderating role of
Hellemans, Kim and Wilcox, Jessica and Nino, Julian N and Young, Matthew and McQuaid, Robin J .
(2019) Cannabis use, anxiety, and perceptions of risk among Canadian undergraduates. The moderating
role of gender. Canadian Journal of Addiction, 10 (3) 22-29. doi: 10.1097/CXA.0000000000000059
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Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol increases striatal glutamate levels in healthy individuals:
implications for psychosis.
Colizzi, Marco and Weltens, Nathalie and McGuire, Philip and Lythgoe, David and Williams, Steve and
van Oudenhove, Lukas and Bhattacharyya, Sagnik . (2019) Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol increases
striatal glutamate levels in healthy individuals: implications for psychosis. Molecular Psychiatry,
Early online [link removed]
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Can tele-healthcare interventions prevent drug related deaths?
Matheson, Catriona and Horsburgh, Kirsten and Shivaji, Tara and Schofield, Joe . (2019) Can
tele-healthcare interventions prevent drug related deaths? London: Society for the Study of
Addiction. SSA Post (18 September 2019)
[link removed]
The challenges and benefits of analyzing feedback comments in surveys: lessons from a cross-national
online survey of small-scale cannabis growers.
Decorte, Tom and Malm, Aili and Sznitman, Sharon . (2019) The challenges and benefits of analyzing
feedback comments in surveys: lessons from a cross-national online survey of small-scale cannabis
growers. Methological Innovations [link removed]
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Clinical question: How does implementation of a family‐based prevention program compare with no
intervention or an adolescent‐based program provided only to prevent or reduce alcohol use in
Kavirajan, Harish . (2019) Clinical question: How does implementation of a family‐based prevention
program compare with no intervention or an adolescent‐based program provided only to prevent or
reduce alcohol use in adolescents? Wiley. Cochrane Clinical Answers
[link removed]
The diagnosis and management of toxic alcohol poisoning in the emergency department: a review
Gallagher, Nicholas and Edwards, Frank J . (2019) The diagnosis and management of toxic alcohol
poisoning in the emergency department: a review article. Advanced Journal of Emergency Medicine, 3
(3) e28. doi: 10.22114/ajem.v0i0.153
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Initiations at UK universities.
Haigh, Katy and de Pury, John . (2019) Initiations at UK universities. London: Universities UK. 42
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Socio-ecological influences on adolescent (aged 10-17) alcohol use and unhealthy eating behaviours:
a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies.
Scott, Stephanie et al. (2019) Socio-ecological influences on adolescent (aged 10-17) alcohol use
and unhealthy eating behaviours: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies.
Nutrients, 11 (8)
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Altering the availability or proximity of food, alcohol, and tobacco products to change their
selection and consumption.
Hollands, Gareth J et al. (2019) Altering the availability or proximity of food, alcohol, and
tobacco products to change their selection and consumption. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
9 doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012573.pub3
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Systematic review and meta-analysis of the provision of preventive care for modifiable chronic
disease risk behaviours by mental health services.
Bailey, Jacqueline M et al. (2019) Systematic review and meta-analysis of the provision of
preventive care for modifiable chronic disease risk behaviours by mental health services. Preventive
Medicine Reports, 16 (100969) doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2019
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Interventions integrating health and academic education in schools to prevent substance misuse and
violence: a systematic review.
Tancred, Tara et al. (2019) Interventions integrating health and academic education in schools to
prevent substance misuse and violence: a systematic review. Southampton: NIHR Journals Library.
Public Health Research (7.17) 272 p.
[link removed]
Comparison of prescribing patterns before and after implementation of a national policy to reduce
inappropriate alprazolam prescribing in Australia.
Schaffer, Andrea L and Buckley, Nicholas A and Cairns, Rose and Pearson, Sallie . (2019) Comparison
of prescribing patterns before and after implementation of a national policy to reduce inappropriate
alprazolam prescribing in Australia. JAMA Network Open, 2 (9) 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.11590
[link removed]
Addressing the opioid crisis: medical student Instruction in opiate drug pharmacology and pain
Cox, Brian M and Cote, Thomas E and Lucki, Irwin . (2019) Addressing the opioid crisis: medical
student Instruction in opiate drug pharmacology and pain management. The Journal of Pharmacology and
Experimental Therapeutics, jpet.119.257329 doi: 10.1124/jpet.119.257329
[link removed]
Prescribing trends of gabapentin, pregabalin, and oxycodone: a secondary analysis of primary care
prescribing patterns in England.
Green, Katlyn and Cooke O'Dowd, Nora and Watt, Hilary and Majeed, Azeem and Pinder, Richard J .
(2019) Prescribing trends of gabapentin, pregabalin, and oxycodone: a secondary analysis of primary
care prescribing patterns in England. BJGP Open, bjgpopen19X101662 DOI:
[link removed]
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Clinicians' perceptions for indicating and contra-indicating integrated treatment for SUD and
comorbid PTSD, a vignette study.
Nass, Germa Catherina Maria and van Rens, Leon Willem and Dijkstra, Boukje Arnolda Gerdina . (2019)
Clinicians' perceptions for indicating and contra-indicating integrated treatment for SUD and
comorbid PTSD, a vignette study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 14 (1)
[link removed]
The epidemiology of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder in a representative cohort of young
people in England and Wales.
Lewis, Stephanie J et al. (2019) The epidemiology of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder in a
representative cohort of young people in England and Wales. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 6 (3)
[link removed]
Public attitudes to drugs in the UK 2019. Is the UK ready for drug policy reform?
Conservative Drug Policy Reform Group. (2019) Public attitudes to drugs in the UK 2019. Is the UK
ready for drug policy reform? London: CDPRG. 22 p.
[link removed]
Impact of the UK Psychoactive Substances Act on awareness, use, experiences and knowledge of
potential associated health risks of Novel Psychoactive Substances.
Deligianni, Elena and Daniel, Omari J and Corkery, John M and Schifano, Fabrizio and Lione, Lisa A .
(2019) Impact of the UK Psychoactive Substances Act on awareness, use, experiences and knowledge of
potential associated health risks of Novel Psychoactive Substances. British Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, Early online [link removed]
[link removed]
Focused deterrence strategies effects on crime.
Braga, Anthony A and Weisburd, David and Turchan, Brandon [Campbell Systematic Reviews] . (2019)
Focused deterrence strategies effects on crime. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 15 (3) e1051.
[link removed]
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Healthy, prosperous lives for all: the European health equity status report.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. [WHO] (2019) Healthy, prosperous lives for
all: the European health equity status report. Geneva: World Health Organization. 129 p.
[link removed]
Alcohol guidelines for pregnant women: barriers and enablers for midwives to deliver advice.
Schölin, Lisa and Watson, Julie and Dyson, Judith and Smith, Lesley A [IAS] . (2019) Alcohol
guidelines for pregnant women: barriers and enablers for midwives to deliver advice. London:
Institute of Alcohol Studies. 75 p.
[link removed]
Incidence and death in 29 cancer groups in 2017 and trend analysis from 1990 to 2017 from the Global
Burden of Disease Study.
Lin, Longfei and Yan, Lei and Yiu, Yuling and Yuan, Fang and Li, Hui and Ni, Jian . (2019) Incidence
and death in 29 cancer groups in 2017 and trend analysis from 1990 to 2017 from the Global Burden of
Disease Study. Journal of Hematology & Oncology, 12 (96)
[link removed]
Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions: a guide for
commissioners and service providers.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2019) Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and
alcohol/drug use conditions: a guide for commissioners and service providers. London: Drug and
Alcohol Findings. Drug and Alcohol Findings Research Analysis 5 p.
[link removed]
A systematic review of the effectiveness of digital interventions for illicit substance misuse harm
reduction in third-level students.
Dick, Samantha and Whelan, Eadaoin and Davoren, Martin P and Dockray, Samantha and Heavin, Ciara and
Linehan, Conor and Byrne, Michael . (2019) A systematic review of the effectiveness of digital
interventions for illicit substance misuse harm reduction in third-level students. BMC Public
Health, 19 (1244)
[link removed]
Clinical effects and treatment outcomes of long-term compulsory in-patient treatment of
treatment-resistant patients with severe mental illness and substance-use disorder.
van Kranenburg, GD and van den Brink, RHS and Mulder, WG and Diekman, WJ and Pijnenborg, GHM and
Mulder, CL [Biomed Central] . (2019) Clinical effects and treatment outcomes of long-term compulsory
in-patient treatment of treatment-resistant patients with severe mental illness and substance-use
disorder. BMC Psychiatry, 19 (1)
[link removed]
Wound infection.
Public Health England. (2019) Wound infection. London: Public Health England. 5 p.
[link removed]
Causes of hospital admission and mortality among people who use heroin: a cohort study comparing
relative and absolute risks.
Lewer, Dan and Tweed, Emily J and Aldridge, Robert W and Morley, Katherine . (2019) Causes of
hospital admission and mortality among people who use heroin: a cohort study comparing relative and
absolute risks. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Early online
[link removed]
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Cognitive‐behavioural treatment for amphetamine‐type stimulants (ATS)‐use disorders.
Harada, Takayuki and Tsutomi, Hiroshi and Mori, Rintaro and Wilson, David B [Campbell Systematic
Reviews] . (2019) Cognitive‐behavioural treatment for amphetamine‐type stimulants (ATS)‐use
disorders. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 15 (1-2 e1026) [link removed]
[link removed]
Improved quality of life following addiction treatment is associated with reductions in substance
Manning, Victoria et al. (2019) Improved quality of life following addiction treatment is associated
with reductions in substance use. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8 (9) 1407.
[link removed]
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Dependence and withdrawal associated with some prescribed medicines An evidence review.
Taylor, Stephen et al. (2019) Dependence and withdrawal associated with some prescribed medicines An
evidence review. London: Public Health England. 152 p.
[link removed]
Disorder policing to reduce crime: a systematic review.
Braga, Anthony A and Welsh, Brandon C and Schnell, Cory [Campbell Systematic Reviews] . (2019)
Disorder policing to reduce crime: a systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 15 (3 e1050) 38
p. [link removed]
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Social media and addiction: How a tool for communication can make us feel our needs for social
connection are being met.
Diez, Stephanie . (2019) Social media and addiction: How a tool for communication can make us feel
our needs for social connection are being met. Special Series on Addiction and Social Media
[link removed]
Can a mass media campaign raise awareness of alcohol as a risk factor for cancer and public support
for alcohol related policies?
Christensen, Anne Sofie Plum and Meyer, Maria Kristine Hagelskær and Dalum, Peter and Krarup, Anne
Friis . (2019) Can a mass media campaign raise awareness of alcohol as a risk factor for cancer and
public support for alcohol related policies? Preventive Medicine, 126
[link removed]
Keeping up with the times: how national public health and governmental organizations communicate
about cannabis on Twitter.
van Draanen, Jenna and Krishna, Tanvi and Tsang, Christie and Liu, Sam . (2019) Keeping up with the
times: how national public health and governmental organizations communicate about cannabis on
Twitter. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 14 (38)
[link removed]
DM for details. Selling drugs in the age of social media.
McCulloch, Liz and Furlong, Scarlett . DM for details. Selling drugs in the age of social media.
London: Volteface. 44 p.
[link removed]
Impact of specialist and primary care stop smoking support on socio-economic inequalities in
cessation in the United Kingdom: a systematic review and national equity initial review completed 22
January 2019; final version accepted 19 July 2019 analysis.
Smith, Caroline E and Hill, Sarah E and Amos, Amanda . (2019) Impact of specialist and primary care
stop smoking support on socio-economic inequalities in cessation in the United Kingdom: a systematic
review and national equity initial review completed 22 January 2019; final version accepted 19 July
2019 analysis. Addiction, Early online doi: 10.1111/add.14760
[link removed]
Investigating the effect of England's smoke-free private vehicle regulation on changes in tobacco
smoke exposure and respiratory disease in children: a quasi-experimental study.
Faber, Timor and Mizani, Mehrdad A and Sheikh, Aziz and Mackenbach, Johan P and Reiss, Iirwin K and
Been, Jasper V . (2019) Investigating the effect of England's smoke-free private vehicle regulation
on changes in tobacco smoke exposure and respiratory disease in children: a quasi-experimental
study. The Lancet, Public Health, Early online DOI:[link removed](19)30175-6
[link removed]
Impact of e-cigarette health warnings on motivation to vape and smoke.
Brewer, Noel T and Jeong, Michelle and Hall, Marissa G and Baig, Sabeeh A and Mendel, Jennifer R and
Lazard, Allison J and Noar, Seth M and Kameny, Madeline R and Ribisl, Kurt M . (2019) Impact of
e-cigarette health warnings on motivation to vape and smoke. Tobacco Control, 28 e64-70.
[link removed]
Benzodiazepine warning is highly significant.
[Irish Times] Houston, Muiris (30 Sep 2019)
[link removed]
Opinion: Is there now an argument for banning e-cigarettes in Ireland?
[thejournal.ie] Cox, Des (29 Sep 2019)
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Research shows intentional drug overdose is most common reason homeless people present at hospitals.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (27 Sep 2019)
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Pressure grows for law to tackle sales of cheap alcohol.
[Irish Independent] O'Regan, Eilish (26 Sep 2019)
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Dublin 100-bed addiction treatment facility gets go-ahead.
[RTE News] Kilraine, John (26 Sep 2019)
[link removed]
Alcohol Action Ireland encouraged by the latest findings from Scotland on the introduction of
minimum pricing of alcohol products.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (26 Sep 2019)
[link removed]
Task force unveiled to deal with drug abuse in higher education.
[Irish Times] Gleeson, Colin (25 Sep 2019)
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Launch of HRB evidence review on dual diagnosis treatment services.
[Merrionstreet.ie] (25 Sep 2019)
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Treatment centre calls on Government to back mother-and-child facility in Limerick.
[Irish Examiner] Ring, Evelyn (24 Sep 2019)
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'1ml is euphoric, 2ml and you go under': Number of G overdoses increases by 75%.
[thejournal.ie] Ryan, Orla (23 Sep 2019)
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Eliminating hepatitis C - Ireland not on track.
[irishhealth.com] Condon, Deborah (23 Sep 2019)
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Legacy of pain, love and loss for the children scarred by drink.
[Independent.ie] Nolan, Larissa (22 Sep 2019)
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Is Ireland getting to grips with its drugs policy?
[RTE Primetime] (20 Sep 2019)
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The Explainer: Why is chemsex in the news in Ireland and the UK?
[thejournal.ie] Barry, Aoife (20 Sep 2019)
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Irish doctors urged to stop over-prescribing benzodiazepines and similar drugs.
[thejournal.ie] McDermott, Stephen (19 Sep 2019)
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75% of farmers feel drug use is ‘widespread’ in rural communities.
[Irish Examiner] (19 Sep 2019)
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State urged to reject idea cannabis has medicinal function.
[Irish Times] Cullen, Paul (18 Sep 2019)
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Teenage cannabis users spending up to €100 per day - study.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (17 Sep 2019)
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Minister Byrne announces €2.28m for 12 strategic initiatives to implement the National Drugs
[Department of Health] (17 Sep 2019)
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Cannabis use by young significantly increases mental health risks.
[Irish Times] Cannon, Mary (16 Sep 2019)
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Sale of tobacco products from vending machines to be banned.
[Irish Times] Wall, Martin (16 Sep 2019)
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The Irish Times view: Change in lifestyle behind pubs’ struggle.
[Irish Times] (14 Sep 2019)
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Health minister Harris seeks to crackdown on alcohol promotions.
[thejournal.ie] Burke, Ceimin (13 Sep 2019)
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7,600 people receive opioid-substitution treatment in first six months of 2019.
[Irish Examiner] (10 Sep 2019)
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Drug testing kits give false sense of security says head of HSE’s Addiction Services.
[Irish Examiner] Clarke, Vivienne (10 Sep 2019)
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Children as young as 13 caught up in cocaine boom.
[Irish Examiner] Woulfe, Jimmy (09 Sep 2019)
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Experts recommend zero alcohol for pregnant women.
[Irish Examiner] Ring, Evelyn (09 Sep 2019)
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Prisoners' 'lives at risk' after jail release [Northern Ireland].
[BBC News Online] McCracken, Niall (08 Sep 2019)
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Steroid use among young prompts calls for new public awareness campaign.
[Irish Examiner] O'Cionnaith, Fiachra (06 Sep 2019)
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'Government needs to crack down on drink prices that put health of young people at risk'.
[Independent.ie] O'Regan, Eilish (02 Sep 2019)
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'I was picture perfect on the outside but broken underneath'.
[Independent.ie] Horan, Niamh (01 Sep 2019)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Other questions (resumed) - Illicit trade in fuel and tobacco products [includes alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (26 Sep 2019)
Intoxicating Liquor (Amendment) Bill 2019: First Stage. [
[link removed]
] (24 Sep 2019)
Joint Committee on Justice and Equality debate. Garda reform and related issues: discussion. [
[link removed]
] (18 Sep 2019)
Written answer 468 (Question to health). [
[link removed]
] (17 Sep 2019)
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