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, our mission is to save lives and bring hope tothose affected by suicide.
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Each year, we honor individuals and organizations that have made a substantialcontribution to suicide prevention at our annual Lifesavers Gala.Traditionally, the event is held live in New York City and available to alimited group of attendees.
But this year’s Lifesavers Gala is unlike any other – a virtual extravaganzathat you can be a part of no matter where you are, with tickets starting at$50. We hope you’ll join us, and be a part of our yearly effort to raise moneyto continue our important research, advocacy, and education and supportprograms.
The first of its kind, this year’s virtual Lifesavers Gala lets you take partin a special evening that will include an opportunity to bid in an onlineauction filled with special items, while distinguished guests including DavidAxelrod & Karl Rove, both survivors of suicide loss from separate sides of thepolitical aisle, share inspiring stories about their personal connections andexperiences related to this important cause. We will honor Lorenzo P. Lewis,founder of The Confess Project, which takes an innovative approach to buildinga culture that’s smart about mental health for boys, men of color, and theirfamilies, by empowering and educating barbers to be mental health advocates.Longtime AFSP supporters, Ray and Mary Anne Burke will be recognized for theirefforts to raise awareness and prevent suicide in the military veterancommunity. Lastly, we will present Dr. Edwin Boudreaux with our ResearchAward.
We’re so excited for this year’s event, and hope you can join us on May 19!
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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 199 Water St. 11th Floor New York,NY 10038