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The New York State budget is going to be passed in the next 48 hours—and time is running out to make sure that immigrant frontline workers and their families can access the economic support they need to survive the pandemic and access a path to recovery.

For weeks, immigrants on the frontlines have been on hunger strikes, marching in the streets, and making countless calls to legislators, demanding that the budget includes funding to support excluded workers and their families. 

Now is the time for the final push—we need to apply pressure and demand that when a budget is passed tomorrow, it includes full funding to provide economic relief and meaningful investments in the welfare of immigrant New Yorkers. 

For months, we’ve been pushing for critical budget items that will make a huge difference for immigrants across the state. We’re hosting digital days of action to make sure the budget includes and uplifts all New Yorkers:


Take Action

It’s critical that we use our voices to fight for a budget that works for ALL New Yorkers. Join our digital actions to fight for a budget that includes immigrants on the frontlines!

Thanks for fighting with us,

Murad Awawdeh 
Interim Co-Executive Director

Join Our Digital Days of Action
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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA