Here's your weekly rundown
Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America banner

Coming up this week:


✊  6:00pm: International Day of Solidarity with Haiti: Support Haitian People, not the dictatorship. Stop US and corporate control. In Atlanta march with us from the Coca - Cola sign on top of the Olympia Building, 23 Peachtree St, to the World of Coke, 121 Baker St NW. Coke is a corporate sponsor of the Haitian dictatorship. RSVP Here.
🗳  8:00pm: Electoral Meeting: Zoom meeting (email [email protected] for password)

🐷🥓  8:00pm: Defund APD, Refund Communities (DARC) Campaign: Zoom meeting  (email [email protected] for password)




📕  6:30pm: Midtown Branch Reading Group: First half of Mask Off: Crisis & Struggle in the Pandemic. Discord link here.


🏠  8:00pm: East Atlanta Branch: Zoom meeting (email [email protected] for password)




🤑  5:00pm: RALLY: Cancel the Rent, Extend the CDC Moratorium!: The Federal eviction moratorium is set to expire on March 31. Meanwhile millions of renters are thousands of dollars in debt and facing continued unemployment. Masks and social distancing required. Let's keep each other safe! We will have masks available for anyone in need. We will also have water. Bring signs! RSVP Here.


🏠  6:30pm: Cobb-Cherokee Branch: Zoom meeting (email [email protected] for password)


🏠  7:00pm: Midtown Branch: Zoom meeting (email [email protected] for password)


🏠  7:00pm: North Fulton Branch: Zoom meeting (email [email protected] for password) Also, join the North Fulton branch in volunteering with local mutual aid organization Solidarity Sandy Springs. Sign up here.


📕  7:30pm: DARC Reading Group: Join ATL DSA's Defund APD, Refund Communities campaign as we read through Alex Vitale's The End of Policing! (email [email protected] to RSVP)


🧠 8:00pm: National Political Education Event: Socialists on the Job: A Cross-Generation Conversation. RSVP using this link!


📕  8:00pm: East Atlanta Branch Reading Group: Zoom meeting (email [email protected] for password)




🏠  6:00pm: Greater Decatur Branch: Zoom meeting (email [email protected] for password)


  7:00pm: Disability and Accessibility Caucus: Zoom meeting (Passcode: 638762)


💪🌹 8:00pm: Chapter Steering Committee: Zoom meeting (email [email protected] for information)


👩‍🎓 8:00pm: Student-workers of the world unite! Lessons from K-SWOCAre you an undergraduate student-worker interested in organizing your workplace? Join the YDSA National Labor Committee, members of K-SWOC, and the Emergency Workers Organizing Committee to learn their lessons: why they decided to form a student worker union and how they organized so successfully. RSVP Here.




🌍  7:00pm: Runoff Election in Ecuador: The Fight for Democracy: Ecuador faces a crucial runoff election on April 11 as the country struggles to free itself from capitalist imposed austerity, economic recession, and pandemic. Hear from members of the Ecuador's Union for Hope (UNES) alliance and an election observer from the Progressive International. RSVP Here.




😄 7:00pm: Afrosocialist Social: Atlanta area BIPOC - please join the Afrosocialists for a weekly social! Zoom link here.




💾  1:00pm: DSA PRO Act Campaign Training: National DSA Training for the PRO Act. RSVP Here.


Take our labor survey!

Help ATLDSA keep track of the types of workers we have by filling out our labor survey!


Don't see your event here?

ATLDSA members can make their submission for the weekly Monday newsletter no later than Friday at 8pm via this form.


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Not finding what you're looking for here? If you’re a member, you’ve got access to the Slack channel. (Email [email protected] if you have questions about your access to the Slack.) There’s no faster way to get plugged in to committees, working groups, and find answers to your questions.