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Monday, March 29th, 2021

Why Cancer Can’t Be Cured. Unless…

Bill Sardi

The Trans Ploy: Rachel Levine and the Left’s Reality Subversion Trap

Vasko Kohlmayer

US-NATO vs Russia-China in a Hybrid War to the Finish

Pepe Escobar

The Washington Post Is a Propaganda Organ for War

Paul Craig Roberts

The WHO Confirms That the Covid-19 PCR Test Is Flawed: Estimates of ‘Positive Cases’ Are Meaningless

Prof Michel Chossudovsky

We Should Learn What Lessons From Fukushima?

Robert W. Felix

The Covid-19 Pandemic Has Taken Thought Policing and Wokeness to a Whole New Level

And not even religion is sacred any more. Rachel Marsden

Biden Unhinged: Calls Attempts To Stop Election Fraud ‘Sick’ and ‘Un-American’

Issues & Insights

Rush and Me

Brian Wilson

Decentralization Is a Step Toward Self-Determination

Ryan McMaken

Why Is Freedom Always the Problem?

Tom Mullen

Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates’s Empires

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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