John, At Our Revolution, we are constantly working to create the pressure necessary to make the Democratic Party actually live up to their own stated progressive values. Our work paid off in a big way this month when we helped progressives take over the Nevada Democratic Party by sweeping all five leadership positions in the state party’s elections! While the establishment forces preached “unity” during the campaign, they abandoned their stated values and stole nearly half a million dollars from the party’s account after they lost.
John, will you split a donation now between Our Revolution and the Nevada Democratic Party to help them replenish the resources the corporate establishment stole unjustly after losing power?
If you’ve stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Our Revolution and the Nevada State Democratic Party will process immediately.
This upset victory in Nevada is only the latest example of how Our Revolution is changing the Democratic Party from the inside out. In 2021, we’ve elected progressives to serve on the DNC and fill top state party positions in CA, FL, IL, MI, AZ, CO, and other states. With progressive activists gaining more power inside the Democratic Party, Our Revolution is ready to double-down on our efforts to fight for progressive party reforms. Pitch in here to support our work to transform the Democratic Party all over the country and ensure they actually work in the best interest of working people — not big money special interests!
In solidarity, Mike Oles, Our Revolution National Field Director 