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Weekend Edition, March 27-28, 2021

The Great Nonsense of ‘The Great Reset’

Thomas DiLorenzo

Poisonous Experimental ‘Covid’ Injection Trials on Infants Have Begun: They Should All Be Imprisoned!

Gary D. Barnett

How To Visit a Doctor’s Office or Nursing Home Without Face Masks

Allan Stevo

Putin Among the Barbarians

Yvonne Lorenzo

Chart Flattens Doomer Governor

Tom Woods

Dissent on Trial: The Grand Inquisitor. The Silence of the Lambs

Jon Rappoport

Michelle Obama’s Justified Complaint of Existence

Paul Gottfried

You Refuse To Get Vaccinated, But Are You Ready To Be an Outcast?

Mike Whitney

Sleepy Joe’s Next $3 Trillion Boondoggle

David Stockman

The Way Out and the Way to (Part Three)

Bionic Mosquito

The US Weaponizes ‘Human Rights’ Against Nations Like China

Caitlin Johnstone

‘Where Am I Here?’

James Howard Kunstler

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