From Team Bowman <[email protected]>
Subject Your first-time donation for Jamaal is critical
Date March 27, 2021 8:31 PM
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[1]Bowman for Congress


Our first quarterly Federal Elections Commission deadline is just around
the corner — and your first-time donation for Jamaal is critical to making
sure our first public fundraising numbers in Congress are our strongest

We've set a goal of raising $225,000 before midnight on March 31 to show
the political media, pundits, and potential opponents that our movement is
stronger than ever. And we've only got four days to do it.

[ [link removed] ]Will you chip in $3 or whatever you're able to
contribute right now?

[ [link removed] ]Contribute $3

Since he began his first term in Congress in January, Jamaal has been
laser-focused on legislating and leading our movement for transformative
change in our government and communities.

He's known that, for too long, New York's 16th District has had an
entrenched, establishment incumbent "representing" us. There's a lot that
folks are looking to Jamaal to get done in his first term, and he's been
hard at work to deliver.

Not having to worry about fundraising will give Jamaal the room to focus
on his job entirely and fight for us. He's already focusing 100% of his
time towards legislating, whereas other members of Congress are devoting
up to 20 hours a week towards calling wealthy donors to finance their

We're proud that Jamaal doesn't take checks from lobbyists or billionaire
donors — but that does mean a significant portion of our fundraising comes
from emails just like this one. When we say your contributions and support
are the lifeblood of this campaign,
John — we mean it.

[ [link removed] ]With 4 days left before our FEC quarterly deadline, can you please
make your first-time donation and help get us to our $225,000 goal?

Thank you,

Team Bowman


Contribute to Bowman for Congress: [link removed]

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