As you may have noticed, I’ve been a one-man campaign against the right wing‘s dark money apparatus. It’s a creepy apparatus, funding climate denial, Court capture, voter suppression, and Republican politics. We need to take it on. Quite a few colleagues have joined me in various episodes in this battle, but I’ve always been the organizer, the constant.
Well, the apparatus has noticed.
Its right-wing media outlets are constantly raging about me now. They’ve even run a TV ad against me, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars – and I’m not even on the ballot in this cycle. Nevertheless, the ad had all the characteristics of a political attack ad: dark photos, ominous music, and false smears.
The ad was paid for with dark money, by a dark-money hit group, and it accused me of being – get this – funded by dark money. Their proof? My fully transparent campaign finance report. Some proof. But that’s not the point; lying is what they do.
Nobody else is doing what I’m doing, and I have no intention of stopping. But up against this kind of blowback, I need your help. If you support what I’m doing, and you have friends who agree, please ask them to sign up and join me.
When they’re spending this kind of money against me three and a half years before my election, I need to build up my team. So if you can help me not just with fundraising but with “friendraising,” I’d really appreciate it.
Sheldon Whitehouse