But the fight’s not over…


We took the gun-grabbing ATF to court -- and WON.

The Sixth Circuit Court just ruled that bump stocks are NOT machine guns despite the tyrannical ATF incorrectly classifying them as such. This victory by Gun Owners of America’s legal team is the FIRST EVER win on bump stocks.

But our fight is only getting started.

In Caniglia v. Strom, a case we’re involved in that was heard before the Supreme Court this week, Biden and Kamala are urging the Court to “let cops enter homes and seize guns without a warrant.”

We need YOUR help securing the funds for our legal team as we continue to rein in this rabidly anti-gun administration.

Please make a tax-deductible contribution to Gun Owners Foundation’s Legal Defense Fund as we keep fighting to protect YOUR God-given rights.







The Sixth Circuit Court’s decision on bump stocks is great news for gun owners everywhere.

There were HALF A MILLION American citizens who owned bump stocks and had to face the difficult decision of either destroying or surrendering their valuable property -- or else risk felony prosecution.

Our victory now deals a massive blow to the ATF’s ability to engage in illegal overreach in the future.

If the ATF could circumvent Congress to arbitrarily redefine bump stocks as “machine guns,” the right to own AR-15s and other lawfully owned firearms would have easily been restricted next.

But now we need to be prepared for the imminent attacks coming on the Second Amendment from Congress and the White House.

Biden has stated that if the 50-50 Senate fails to pass any of the pending gun grabs, he will take matters into his own hands and sign executive orders to unilaterally shred the Second Amendment to pieces.

You have my word that Gun Owners of America will challenge EACH and EVERY anti-gun executive order Biden signs.

I hope you’ll support us along the way as we fight back against the well-funded anti-gun lawyers who want nothing more than to see the Second Amendment ripped to shreds.

So please, make a tax-deductible contribution to Gun Owners Foundation’s Legal Defense Fund as we keep fighting to protect YOUR God-given rights.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners Foundation

© 2019 Gun Owners Foundation

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