
Today I am asking you to join my call for three basic actions to curb the scourge of gun violence in America. Before I do, please give me a moment to explain why your voice is so critical — especially in this moment.

More Americans have died from gun violence in my lifetime than in every single war in our nation’s history.

I’ve seen this violence first hand in my own community. I’ve also seen the activism it has inspired to bring about real change.

The cost of gun violence is immeasurable. Every gunshot wound and every mass shooting leaves an indelible mark on our nation’s soul.

As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I know as well as you that there are some hard truths we must face. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to this problem, but there are three basic measures our Democratic majority can pass with enough public pressure.

Universal background checks. An assault weapons ban. Gun licensing.

Our new Democratic Senate majority has made real reform possible for the first time in years. But with such a slim margin — and so many competing legislative priorities — your voice on this issue is needed to move my colleagues to action.

This time must be different. Will you add your name to call on my Senate colleagues to pass universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, and gun licensing?


Thank you for adding your voice to this incredibly important cause. With enough of us speaking up together, we have the power to make real progress for our communities and in our nation.

— Cory