Here's our roundup of must-read posts from the week:
If you like density, consider helping us increase the density of our own GGWash Neighborhood. We're so close to our goal and your donation could help us get to the finish line.
You know them. You hate them. And now, the numbers will back you up: we've gathered a list of the most complained-about intersections in DC.
In happier news, an organization that matches bikes with essential workers in DC is coming up on a year of existence. What have we learned?
In Northern Virginia, officials are exploring a Bus Rapid Transit line along Route 7. Weigh in on what it should look like in Tysons.
Finally, accessory apartments are a promising way to build more affordable housing, but for many homeowners the process is daunting. A new handbook can help.
By Kate Jentoft-Herr (Program and Community Coordinator) • March 24, 2021
There are five days left in our 2021 Member Drive and we only need 52 more Neighbors or $5,417 to make our goal! If you aren’t already a member of our Neighborhood we hope you’ll join today.
By Libby Solomon (Writer and Editor) • March 24, 2021
Fairfax County is in the middle of its next phase of a study on how to bring Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to Route 7 in Tysons. The county is hosting a public meeting Wednesday evening and has a survey open until April 14 in order to seek public feedback on three potential BRT routes along Route 7 between Tysons and the I-66 interchange.