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A new Christian secondary school for 600 students could be built in the Cambridgeshire village of Soham, despite the local county council opposing it in
favour of "expanding existing schools".
Ofsted has criticised a Muslim school in Birmingham that failed to prove its head teacher was being kept away from the classroom after she was temporarily
banned from teaching. The head was given an interim ban amid concerns that she might promote "views that undermine fundamental British values".
Campaigners protesting Stella Creasy MP's stance on abortion took to her constituency with pictures of her alongside a graphic image of what they claim was
an aborted 24-week-old foetus.
Australian radio host Kyle Sandilands has issued a lengthy on-air apology on radio for a joke he recently made after vociferous protests from Christians and
Downing Street has pushed back against the health secretary's suggestion that the government could make vaccinations mandatory for state school pupils,
saying it was not currently a plan.
Amnesty International has said Pakistan's government must immediately and unconditionally release a university lecturer being held in solitary confinement
for blasphemy over some Facebook posts.
A Moroccan journalist has been sentenced to a year in prison on charges of having an illegal abortion and premarital sex, in a trial observers say was
concocted to crack down on criticism of the government.
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