
We know that better days are ahead of us with vaccine distribution continuing to ramp up thanks to the efforts of Governor Murphy and thousands of local and county officials and healthcare leaders throughout the state. But that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down now -- we have to stay vigilant and continue following public health guidelines. That’s why it was so disappointing to see Republican gubernatorial candidate Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli carelessly ignore the state’s mask mandate at a recent indoor public event. 

These public health guidelines are in place for a reason -- to keep us safe. Top political and governmental leaders have a responsibility to model the right behavior and show others the right way to act, and Jack Ciattarelli just failed that test miserably. 

Women’s History Month is coming to a close, but not without a few more events to celebrate women’s contributions and accomplishments in New Jersey and beyond.

This Monday, March 29th, join us and the LGBTQ+ Caucus for a panel on the importance of Women and Nonbinary LGBTQ+ representation and visibility in our elected officials. Please join Caucus Chair Lauren Albrecht and prominent LGBTQ+ elected officials and pioneers throughout New Jersey. Be sure to reserve your spot for an exciting night of amplifying LGBTQ+ voices, while also discussing the road ahead to achieving greater representation. 

On March 31st at 7pm, we’re closing out Women’s History Month with an event celebrating the women of NJ. RSVP now and join your fellow New Jersey women making history today. 

Header: Gov. Murphy Update

With the state’s vaccine rollout now being recognized as among the nation’s best, Governor Murphy made two major announcements today to continue its expansion -- lowering the age eligibility limit to 55 and a new federal mega-site in Newark that will significantly help reach underserved populations in our state’s largest city.

For up to date information regarding new cases and directives regarding coronavirus, or information on vaccine registration and signup, visit the state’s dedicated COVID-19 Information Hub or follow Governor Murphy’s official pages on social media. You can also reach the state’s Vaccine Call Center at 1-855-568-0545. 

Twitter: @GovMurphy

Header: President Biden Update

When he took office President Biden announced an ambitious goal -- 100 million COVID-19 vaccines administered in his first 100 days. After smashing through that goal, the President recently announced a new one:

President Biden’s leadership is helping us get through this crisis and back to our normal lives, and here at the NJDSC we could not be more proud to have him in the White House fighting for us. 

Thank you, 

Chairman John Currie 

P.S. -- We need your help to get Governor Murphy on the ballot! Due to the pandemic, petitions for the primary election can now be collected online and you can show your support for our Governor by signing his petition here


Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

