Leave us a message for the NDIS review! No Images? Click here ![]() ![]() Hi Supporter, The most important review into the NDIS is underway right now - and we all need to get involved. The Tune Review into the NDIS Act is a chance for us to shape the NDIS and make it work for everyone who needs it. In the last few months many of you have told us you are sick and tired of endless reviews. And you have told us you are particularly tired of sending in written submissions. You said you wished there was a way to just leave a message. So, that’s exactly what we’ve done! We’ve set up a new voicemail service so you can tell the review team in your own words what’s working with the scheme and what isn’t. We’ll collect your messages and get them to the team who are conducting the review. As well as leaving a message you can also: - Send us a video - Or send us a quick email We will do all the hard work for you. We will compile all the messages and send them through to the Tune review team. You can also get involved in the formal consultations conducted by the Department of Social Services. You can attend a face-to-face workshop, complete the on-line survey or send in a written submission. You can find out more on the Department of Social Services consultation website called Engage. With so many reviews in the past 12 months, we know it feels like we are saying the same thing over and over with very little result. But this review is the most important one yet. The recommendations from this review will result in changes to the legislation that governs the scheme. It’s very difficult for the government to ignore what an independent inquiry tells them – AND it will help hold government and the NDIA to account for how they are delivering the scheme. That’s why we need to be crystal clear about what changes we do – and don’t - want to see. We’ve spoken to David Tune and his review team and they genuinely want to hear from as many people as possible. Whether you leave a message, send a video, do the online survey or attend a workshop - let’s stand together and tell the government exactly what needs to happen to get the NDIS working the way it should. Kirsten and the Every Australian Counts team ![]() |