A record breaking week of climate strikes


Wow. Over 7.6 million and counting took action during this past week of Global Climate Strikes. This is one of the largest coordinated global protests in history - and many of you were part of this historic event. More than 6,100 events were held in 185 countries with the support of 8,500 websites, 3,000 companies, and 73 Trade Unions. We truly demonstrated the power of our movement.

But, participating in the biggest climate mobilization in history is simply not enough. We have the momentum, and we need you to help us turn this moment into a tipping point. As the science about the climate crisis becomes more dire and urgent, our movement must take bold, escalated action to build political will and local solutions for the transformation we need.

On Thursday, October 3rd at 8 PM ET/ 5 PM PT, we are hosting a next steps call in the United States called: We Are Unstoppable: Building a Movement to Shut Down Fossil Fuels. We will discuss our ongoing campaigns, how to get involved in a local group near you, and share how together, we can make sure the Global Climate Strikes were just the beginning of the end of the age of fossil fuels. Will you join our call on October 3rd and then invite a friend?


To win this fight, we need a movement that’s more powerful than the fossil fuel industry. This work is not easy but we are going to give this everything we’ve got and we hope you will join us in this epic fight for a just and equitable world. 

Join our call to find out how you can be a part of the movement fighting for our lives, our families, our communities and our climate.

Until we win,

350.org is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world
by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.
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