Green Party of Canada

There could be an election in as little as 3 months.
Our fundraising numbers are a fraction of what the other parties are receiving. That means the March 31 fundraising deadline is our most crucial one yet.


Hi Friend,

I’ve been so inspired by what I’ve seen in the last few months.

  • We have a strong leader speaking out on the national stage for the positive change Canadians want to see in their communities and across the country.
  • We’re fighting for long-term care reform, housing affordability, a Guaranteed Livable Income and climate action.
  • We’re recruiting candidates who reflect the diversity of this country through our Time to Run campaign.

I know that Greens have the grassroots support, the vision, and the passion to power our next campaign.

But campaigns also take resources — to build a strong team, to get our message out, to support our work on the ground. Our pockets aren’t deep. And now that we know an election could be just around the corner, the stakes are so much higher.

Help us get ready

Did you know our average donation amount is $20? I know that if everyone reading this email donated even half of that, we would be in a strong position to power ahead with building the foundations for the next campaign and supporting our fearless leader.

Let’s get crackin’,

Meghan Dubeau
Fundraising Manager
Green Party of Canada

P.S. Don’t forget: political contributions are eligible for tax credit of up to 75 per cent, meaning your $20 donation could cost you as little as $5!


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Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.