We're $5,000 behind on our monthly goal!

We need your help to stay on track.

Chip in today →

I won’t sugarcoat it, Friend – we’re behind on our goal for this month. 

And if we don’t meet it, we won’t be able to move forward with the important projects – like expanding our digital program – that our party needs if we’re going to reach people where they are and energize Democrats across the state.

But the good news is that we still have 5 days left to raise the remaining $5,000 we need to meet our goal – can we count on you to chip in $15 right now to help us get across the finish line?

This month, we’ve put a ton of energy into revamping our video program but we can’t keep it up if we don’t meet our monthly goal. (Check out our Elect More Women series over on Facebook – there’s a new one today! – and share with your friends to help us build the momentum we’ll need online for 2022.)

We want to continue making great stuff that shows just how much Iowa Democrats care about building a better future for every Iowan and pushes back against the GOP’s attacks, but we can only do that with your help.

Every dollar counts. Can you chip in $8 right now to help us meet our goal and build out our digital program?

– Taylor Vos, Digital and Finance Assistant


Paid for by the Iowa Democratic Party.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee
Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
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