Capitol Hill Days Is a Wrap!

Capitol Hill Days 2021 wrapped up earlier this week, and we’re excited to report that this year’s all-digital event was a huge success! Over 200 activists took part in several fascinating and inspiring panel discussions and advocacy training last week and weekend. On Monday, they met with 91 members of Congress to advocate for the Global HER Act and increased investments in international family planning. Check out our website to see some other noteworthy stats from this year’s event!
Celebrating Earth Day 2021!
Join us for Earth Day 2021—virtually! We’ll be celebrating throughout the month of April—events will include a three-part speaker series and a screening of the film 2040. All events are part of our Earth Day Passport Challenge. To participate in the Passport Challenge, join us for three or more events. You’ll receive a digital “passport” that we’ll stamp after each event you attend. Three or more stamps entitles you to a Population Connection volunteer t-shirt or totebag!
See the lineup of events and register on our website! If you have questions, please feel free to email the Membership Relations team at [email protected].
PopEd’s Spring Theme: Developing and Using Models in the K-12 Classroom
For the next few months, PopEd will be diving deep into the creation and application of models in the K-12 classroom. The practice of developing and using models plays a prominent role in the Next Generation Science standards, running throughout the K-12 progression. It’s also useful in mathematics and social studies classrooms. Regardless of the subject area focus, modeling is an effective strategy with big-time learning potential.
Go to PopEd’s website to learn more and to see the population-related resources PopEd has available for teachers to incorporate modeling into their own classrooms.
Population Connection Page Turners Book Club: Join Our May Meeting!
There’s still plenty of time to sign up to join us for the second meeting of Population Connection’s new book club! The book selection for our May meeting is Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future by Elizabeth Kolbert. We’ll be meeting on Wednesday, May 5th at 4:00pm ET/1:00pm PT via Zoom. Our book club meetings are a great opportunity to exchange ideas with other Population Connection members and staff in a friendly, informal setting. We hope you’ll join us!
Registration info can be found on our website.
In Case You Missed It... 
If you haven’t checked our website lately, you may have missed a number of new blog posts written by Population Connection staff! Here is a sampling of posts published during the month of March: