Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:
Today at 3 PM the NAACP is holding a press conference at city hall concerning racial discrimination in policing and what needs to be done about it. It will also be livestreamed on Facebook.
Tomorrow, Saturday morning at 10 AM, there is a March to Stop Line 3 starting at Endion Station, organized by Loaves and Fishes. Be prepared for rain, according to my weather app.
Then Sunday at 4 pm we have our general membership meeting. Register in advance here. Non-members are welcome. You can review the minutes from February here. The agenda is as follows:
1. Intros
2. Approve minutes and agenda
3. Review community guidelines and add or modify if needed. (5)
4. Treasurer’s report (see last month's here) (5)
5. Grievance officer election (10)
6. Pro-Act Stuff (leading to Mayday event in superior (15)
7. Racial Justice Update (10)
8. Ecosocialist world (need more active members 5-10)
9. Medicare for All, approve city council proposal from Jerry, plus WI expansion (10)
10. Housing Justice (5)
11. International Work (Bob and Brian, 10)
12. Book Club or other political education event? (5)
13. YDSA stuff?
14. Other (5)
15. Secretary’s summary and adjourn (3)
Things to read before the meeting:
Final Draft of HCAMN resolution for city council
City Health Care Costs
Lewin Study on Single Payer Health Care in MN
And finally, a graphic to go with tomorrow's march.

And our community guidelines for meetings, draft one, are as follows. Bring ideas if you have them!
1. Speak respectfully
2. If you tend to be talkative, try to make space for others who aren't
a)If you tend not to participate, challenge yourself to participate
3. Assume good faith when there are disagreements, we are comrades
4. When we listen, strive to hear others perspectives in the best form possible/see another person's argument in the best light possible
5. If you see someone interrupted, say something
6. Consider designating stack person (especially in larger meetings), separate from facilitator to call on people and pay attention to who would like to speak
7. Be mindful of jargon and new members
8. Thanks to Red River Valley’s Community Agreement:
Nurture a light-hearted approach: Organizing can be difficult, tiring, thankless work. But we are here because we believe a better world is possible. We are more resilient and productive when we have a sense of humor and find joy in our organizing.
In solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary