John Stossel: Unions invade private property

The Supreme Court’s sole property rights case this term caught the attention of John Stossel, who added the story to his Stossel TV video series.

The video stars Mike Fahner, owner of Cedar Point Nursery, and his dedicated workforce, who challenged California’s “union access regulation” before the Supreme Court on Monday.


A decision in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid will likely take a couple of months, but news coverage just hours after Monday’s oral argument suggests a win for Mike, Cedar Point, PLF, and most importantly, property rights.

  1. Washington Post: Supreme Court seems to think law allowing union organizers on private property goes too far
  2. Reuters: U.S. Supreme Court leans toward reining in unions in property rights case

Minnesota homeowners lose $118 million from home equity theft

When Geraldine Tyler moved out of her longtime Minneapolis home and into a safer area, the 92-year-old did not realize she would lose not only her home, but also thousands of dollars of equity in her property.

This sketchy process, which is legal in Minnesota and a dozen other states, is officially known as “tax forfeiture.” In truth, it is “home equity theft”—an unlawful practice that has cost 1,200 Minnesota families a stunning total of $118 million from 2014 to 2020 alone.

Carol Park details the research findings and how Geraldine is fighting back.

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Lawsuit amid COVID-19 seeks end to Kentucky governor’s rule by never-ending emergency decrees

For the past year, Gov. Andy Beshear and his public health administration have ruled over the people of Kentucky through unending executive orders telling people and businesses how to conduct themselves during the pandemic.

On February 2, the clock began to run down on those powers. And on March 5, the clock ran out. It’s about time, writes Daniel Woislaw.

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