You were never meant to see this. Like other wealthy companies that profit from cruelty, Costco has long hidden its abuse of animals behind factory farm walls.
When Mercy For Animals investigators stepped inside this Costco factory farm, they were confronted with wall-to-wall suffering. That’s where they met this little chick, who chirped helplessly—for mom—for safety—for comfort. Her fate was shared by tens of thousands of other birds, crammed together inside the same filthy shed. Their cries would never be answered.
The horrors documented in this investigation are disturbing: open wounds, skin burned raw from ammonia-soaked litter, days-old chicks struggling to walk and unable to reach food and water, and suffering birds lying among the dead and dying...
Sadly, the only thing unusual about this suffering is that it was caught on camera. Now that Costco’s secret is out, will you join us in demanding that Costco and other companies use their power to end this abuse?
In the wake of this groundbreaking investigation and recent media exposure, we have a rare opportunity to demand better for millions of chickens. Please help us seize it.
On behalf of every little chicken who deserves better, thank you.

David Coman-Hidy
President |
P.S. Are you a Costco member? Your voice could be extra powerful! Click here to let us know, and we’ll connect you with member-specific opportunities to help inspire a more compassionate Costco.
P.P.S. It’s critical that we expose what’s happening inside factory farms, so companies like Costco can no longer hide behind a veil of secrecy. But I understand that seeing this can be upsetting. So if you prefer, you can click here to take action without seeing any confronting images.