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Breaking Through Gridlock on Immigration

President Biden voided the harsh and inhumane policies set by the Trump administration at the Southern border. Now, with thousands of unaccompanied minors in the care of Border Patrol and resources stretched thin, both sides of the aisle are lobbing criticisms and demands at the White House. The question of how to overhaul America's immigration system seems more pressing than ever. PPI President Will Marshall maps out a path forward in a new piece.
"Biden Needs New Deal for Immigration,"
by Will Marshall, Medium

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New From The Experts 


> Make Taxes Make Sense

The GOP gutted federal taxes for the hyper wealthy under Trump's presidency, and now they've proposed a bill to fully repeal the estate tax. At a time when income inequality is on the rise and the national deficit is reaching unprecedented heights, now is the time to make the tax code more equitable. Ben Ritz outlines the fiscal importance of taxing America's wealthy inheritances in a new op-ed for Forbes. → "Congress Should Raise Taxes On Multi-Million Dollar Inheritances," by Ben Ritz, Forbes

> Sound the Alarms
Biden's nominee for Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten was picked for her credentials as a leader in closing achievement gaps. Her reputation doesn't hold up when scrutinizing the results from her time as the district superintendent in San Diego, writes PPI's Tressa Pankovits. In this piece for Real Clear Education, Pankovitz encourages Senators to base their decision on the data as Marten goes through her hearings. → "The Alarming Truth about Biden’s Latest Education Nominee," by Tressa Pankovits, Real Clear Education

> End Game
State laws are overly restrictive around the types of vaccines pharmacists are allowed to administer, presenting another roadblock in the vaccine rollout. Pharmacists have played a key role in fighting the pandemic, and they are vital to ending it, says PPI's new Senior Health Policy Fellow Robert Popovian. → "The pandemic will end at your local pharmacy — if we let it," by Robert Popovian, The Washington Examiner
🔥Hot Off the Press
> Earning Miles
A new op-ed in The Hill explores the need for serious infrastructure overhaul and the need to raise revenue to pay for such a massive undertaking. Citing a PPI report on the rising costs of construction, author Steve Pociask urges adopting a vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT) fee to keep up the large highway network. → "Infrastructure policy should include transition to mileage-based fees," by Steve Pociask, The Hill

> Renewable Energy Gold Rush?
With the $1.9 trillion relief bill passed, the Biden administration is ready to move on to the next steps in its agenda. A major push for green infrastructure is coming, and renewable-energy backers are coveting 10-year tax credits. In this story from Bloomberg Government, PPI climate expert Paul Bledsoe weighs in, saying, "The floodgates are open." → "What to Know in Washington: Biden to Face Questions on Agenda," by Zachary Sherwood and Brandon Lee, Bloomberg Government

> Catch These Hands
On the latest episode of the education justice podcast 8 Black Hands, PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Deputy Director Curtis Valentine discusses the importance of Black men as educators and his initiative "Real Men Teach."

📊Don't Miss These PPI Reports 


The Name: "Memo to President Biden: A Reality-Based Approach to Drug Pricing," by Michael Mandel, PPI Chief Economist

The Game: How and why drugs can and should be priced reasonably and affordably for all Americans.


The Name: "Long Live the International Entrepreneur Rule: An Opportunity to Boost Jobs and Economic Growth is Hiding in Plain Sight," by Caleb Watney, PPI Innovation Policy Director
The Game: How current U.S. immigration policies can encourage the world's most innovative entrepreneurs to start their companies and create jobs in America.

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