We’ll do more than retell our path back to Israel, we’ll take our families on a tour through our people’s most closely held values.
J Street


This weekend, as we gather for our seders, we'll be doing more than just retracing our people's journey out of bondage. Together, we'll be taking a tour through our people's most closely held values: from justice to mercy, gratitude to critical thought, empathy to perseverance.

That last one, perseverance, is how we got through this year. Perseverance is how we stayed connected and in community. Perseverance is how we waged and won important fights under the previous administration. And perseverance is how we will lock in real, long-term change.

Yes, we have won important battles. Yes, we have won crucial elections. But the work of transforming these victories into real, values-driven policy change still lies ahead of us.

This Passover, please consider a gift to help fuel this work as we push our leaders to take bold, courageous action and stand up for justice, freedom and peace.

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At our seders this weekend, we'll do some self-reflection, ask challenging questions and consider whether we are truly living by our values.

This year, we should make that conversation bigger. With our country now embarking on a new era of leadership -- after what sometimes feels like 40 years lost in the desert -- now is an opportune moment to ask crucial questions of our national leaders as well.

Will we return to a status quo that has gradually allowed our vision for a just and peaceful Israel to slip further and further from view? Can we truly enjoy the sweetness of our own self-determination if it is tied to a denial of that same right to others?

At J Street, we believe that if we are truly committed to our vision of a just and peaceful homeland for the Jewish people, and the realization of the promises of Israel's Declaration of Independence, then we must never stop working to keep that dream alive.

We're pushing for real, concrete policy changes to advance our values and protect Israel's democratic future. Please, consider a Passover donation to sustain this work.

Friend, from my family to yours, I wish you a meaningful and happy Passover.

Chag Sameach,

Ruti Kadish
Director of Communal Relations

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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