COVID won't respect borders - UN urges divided world to unite

U.N. calls on unite of the world to fight against the pandemic which has threatened 17 Sustainable Development Goals

'Wilful ignorance': Flood-hit Australia urged to rethink climate adaptation

As climate change impacts worsen, Australia's population is exposed to more severe floods, droughts and bushfires, while action to protect people and their homes lags

Mexico's president vows to take care of Chagas patients

Chagas, which is spread by infected blood-sucking bugs, is a parasitic disease that can enlarge the heart over years then cause sudden death

With new law, Brazil seeks to boost payments for protecting nature

Legislation lays the foundations for a nationwide scheme to pay indigenous people and family farmers, among others, to safeguard ecosystems that provide key services

U.N. urges support for 'best guardians' of forests to fight climate crisis

Latin American governments must invest more to support indigenous peoples to protect forests and preserve their traditional knowledge

Northern Ireland leader tells UK govt to 'back off' on abortion

Brandon Lewis this week published legislation that would give the government power to force the region to expand abortion services to meet United Nations rights obligations

With anti-Asian hate in U.S. rising, parents grapple over whether to talk to their children

After the deadly Atlanta shootings where Asian women were targeted, many Asian parents are wondering how to talk about racism with their children

Turkish police detain 12 at Bogazici university protest, student group says

Student protesters have been labelled 'LGBT deviants' by Turkish politicians.

Australia considers diverting COVID-19 vaccines to PNG as "disaster" looms

Growing concerns as coronavirus rages in Papua New Guinea, threatening to unleash a humanitarian disaster

USC reaches $852 million settlement in gynecologist sex abuse case

The plaintiffs of more than 700 women mark the largest sexual abuse settlement with a university and the largest personal injury settlement with any college or university in U.S. history

Canada's top court upholds pillar of Trudeau's plan to fight climate change

Canada's top court says climate change is a threat to Canada a whole and upholds the legality of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act

* Feel free to republish the Thomson Reuters Foundation stories above as long as credit is given.


OPINION: Signal down in China: Why we should protect encryption everywhere

Outrage over China’s blocking of Signal should be harnessed to defend the rights to encryption globally

OPINION: Slavery survivors in UK deserve chance to rebuild lives with jobs

Thousands of trafficking victims in Britain are in limbo without the ability to study or earn a living

OPINION: To help the planet, help the forest protectors

Recognizing the rights of indigenous people can conserve tropical forests better than practically any other alternative

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