I know I’ve been emailing you a lot, but I don’t want you to miss this special opportunity.

Thanks to the generosity of a donor, there is an additional $15,000 match available now! This is a one-day only opportunity, so you must donate by midnight tonight in order to use it.

Will you help with your most generous gift before midnight? Every dollar you donate—up to $115,000—will be matched dollar-for-dollar, so please help right away.
Let's build and grow a National Rescue System to compete with Planned Parenthood, giving vulnerable and hurting women the life-affirming options that they won’t find in an abortion clinic.
With your support, even more women who believe abortion is their only option will be reached with life-giving care, and even more children will be rescued from the deadly grip of abortion.
Please help as generously as you can. We only have hours left to meet the additional $15,000 match opportunity.
On behalf of those still needing rescue,
Brian Fisher,