After record-breaking turnout in 2020, State Senate Republicans introduced a package of bills aimed at making it harder to vote.

This is serious — State Senate Republicans just introduced a package of bills aimed at suppressing the vote. Just take a look at what some of them do:

  • One bill would require photo ID to vote absentee — meaning even a registered voter mailing in their absentee ballot application would have to attach a copy of their ID. This will just make it harder for our voters to exercise their constitutional right to vote absentee. People of color, poor people, and elderly people would be most affected, but so would anyone else who doesn't happen to have a printer at home.

  • Another would prohibit the Secretary of State from mailing absentee ballot applications out to voters who might want to use them — or even from having an absentee ballot application on the Secretary of State website! Yet another would prohibit pre-paid postage for absentee ballots.

This is just a snapshot of the Michigan GOP's voter suppression campaign — and it's why I am asking for your help before our critical FEC deadline. If you can, please consider rushing a $10 donation now so that our party has the resources it needs to run our year-round voter protection program.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Remember, friend: Your vote is your voice, and your voice is powerful. If it wasn't, politicians wouldn't be trying to take it away. Your voice is what turned Michigan blue, sent Gary Peters back to the Senate, which allowed Democrats to deliver the American Rescue Plan.

That's something to be very proud of — because it wouldn't have happened without the record-breaking turnout we saw in 2020.

Can I count on you to donate $10 before our FEC deadline so that our party is prepared to combat Republican voter suppression efforts and continue electing Democrats all across the state?

I will never stop fighting to protect our democracy and our right to vote. Thanks for standing by me on this.

Erica Peresman

Voter Protection Director

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Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

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