Dear John,

It is no secret that the radicals on the Left want to tear down the First Amendment and silence our religious liberties. They are using cancel culture to BULLY us into submission. If you don’t agree with them, you could be subjected to harassment or even lose your livelihood.

Over the past year, we saw something even scarier. The Left tried to cancel religious freedom.

Governors forced houses of worship to close their doors while allowing big box stores to remain open. The U.S. Supreme Court even UPHELD these terrible executive actions.

One of the first bills I introduced would give additional legal rights to churches to fight these terrible lockdowns in the future. 

We cannot allow ourselves to be silenced and I am going to keep working to ensure churches are never again subjected to the whim of a governor.

Now, Speaker Pelosi is trying to force the so-called “Equality Act” through Congress. This bill would weaponize the Civil Rights Act against the faith community.

It would give the extreme Left the legal ability to “cancel” Christian Churches…. A terrible thought, to say the least.

Many other professionals may be forced to choose between their deeply held religious beliefs and having their livelihoods taken away. Not to mention this bill threatens the safety of women and girls in public facilities, and could even result in colleges and universities offering athletics scholarships to biological males who identify as women.

The liberals used to claim to be pro-woman. Now, they are in favor of confused men taking the last bit of women’s privacy and dignity. It’s not right and certainly not common sense.

Will you join me in this fight to protect our God-given, and Constitutionally protected, right to worship freely and donate $25, $50, $100 or even $1,000 TODAY?

Our First Amendment is under attack by the radical Left. We cannot let it fall.
For God and Country,


P.S. March 31st is my first important reporting deadline. Your contribution of $25, $50, $100 or even $1,000 will help me prepare for the Democrats’ attempts to cancel me.
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