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A year later, stage workers return to class
Panel: Women's Work Is the Backbone of the Global Economy
Today's Labor Quote
Today's Labor History
[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
[link removed] Music, Resistance and Social Movements: Fri, March 26, 4pm - 5pm
Join A Yęmisi Jimoh, Tom Juravich and Jerry Levinsky in a conversation about how music has been and continues to be a vital part of social movements.
Teamsters Food Drive - D.C. and Dulles: Sat, March 27, 8:15am - 10:00am
Teamsters Local 639 and the Society of St. Andrews host a food basket program every Saturday morning starting at 8:15 am at 3100 Ames Place NE., in Washington. The union has been delivering the food to laid off workers at Dulles Airport. For more information and to volunteer, contact John Estes:
[email protected].
[link removed] Hate Crimes and the AAPI Community: Standing up to Racist Attacks by White Supremacists and the Far Right: Sat, March 27, 4pm - 5pm
Presented by the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance and United Against Hate.
[link removed] Payroll Protection Program: Unions are now eligible!Mon, March 29, 11am - 12pm
The American Rescue Plan (Rescue Plan) expands eligibility for first and second draw loans for a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) [link removed] loan. The expansion includes labor unions. Find out what requirements must be met before before [link removed] applying for a loan.
[link removed] Labor Radio Podcast Network livestream PodExtra: Women's History Month; Long Island migrant labor camps with Dora Cervantes (General Secretary Treasurer of the Machinists Union) and Mark Torres (author, "Long Island Migrant Camps: Dust for Blood," Teamster, and labor lawyer).
A year later, stage workers return to class
"We had our first class in a year this week," [link removed] tweeted IATSE Local 22's training fund yesterday. "Fork recertification. Virtual classroom time & then a physically distanced outside practical. Felt great to finally be back. Thank you @kencen for the equipment & space. #iatraining #iatse #SafetyFirst #WearAMask" Local 22 is the stagecraft union in Washington D.C.
Panel: Women's Work Is the Backbone of the Global Economy
AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Liz Shuler and CLUW President Elise Bryant joined women union leaders from Colombia, Ghana, Palestine, Ukraine and the United States who shared their experiences defending the rights of women workers to equality, good jobs and an end to violence and abuse. Nearly 200 participants joined the virtual panel, sponsored by the Solidarity Center and CLUW. "Women are carrying the burden. But we are not remaining silent," said Shuler. [link removed] Read more at the Solidarity Center.
Today's Labor Quote: R.J. Phillips Band
The campesinos knew his name throughout El Salvador
He gave a voice to those who were not heard
From [link removed] Seeds of Change, about Óscar Romero, the archbishop of San Salvador who spoke out against social injustice, assassinated by the right-wing military on March 24, 1980 while celebrating mass. Pope Francis canonized Romero as a saint in 2018.
This week's [link removed] Labor History Today podcast: We Were There; Pins and Needles; Dust for Blood. Last week's show: [link removed] Bootlegged Aliens; UPPER CASE WOMAN.
March 26
San Francisco brewery workers begin a 9 month strike as local employers follow the union-busting lead of the National Brewer's Assn. and fire their unionized workers, replacing them with scabs. Two unionized brewers refused to go along, kept producing beer, prospered wildly and induced the Association to capitulate. A contract benefit since having unionized two years earlier, certainly worth defending: free beer - 1868
March 27
Mother Jones is ordered to leave Colorado, where state authorities accuse her of "stirring up" striking coal miners - 1904
U.S. Supreme Court rules that undocumented workers do not have the same rights as Americans when they are wrongly fired - 2002
March 28
Members of Gas House Workers' Union Local 18799 begin what is to become a four-month recognition strike against the Laclede Gas Light Co. in St. Louis. The union later said the strike was the first ever against a public utility in the U.S. - 1935
Martin Luther King, Jr., leads a march of striking sanitation workers in Memphis, Tenn. Violence during the march persuades him to return the following week to Memphis, where he was assassinated - 1968
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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