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Friday, March 26th, 2021

The Coming Witch Hunt Against Anti-Vaxxers

Bill Sardi

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Murder: The Real Nature of Government

Gary D. Barnett

Rejecting Rockefeller Germ Theory Once and for All

Jon Rappoport

Some Encounters With US Deep State Sociopaths

Doug Casey

Patreon, Censorship, and the Self-Inflicted Wound

Thomas Luongo

Has There Ever in US History Been a More Pitiful Cabinet?

Patricia McCarthy

Contagious Presidential Ambition? Meghan Markle Hires Ex-Hillary Aides, Bonding With Ex-First Lady

Ekaterina Blinova

If Deficits Don’t Matter, Why Bother with Taxes?

Peter St. Onge

Rise Up, Say the Birds to the Bread

Edward Curtin

Biden’s Last Throw of Geopolitical Dice

Alasdair Macleod

Who Is Shaking the Jar? (Part 2)

Jim Quinn

Archdiocese: Johnson & Johnson Vaccine ‘Morally Compromised’

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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