Pelosi's immigration bills advance to Senate You can still help stop amnesty for 4 million... and our matching grant can double your efforts! ![]() Dear John xxxxxx, We're certainly disappointed that the House of Representatives approved two illegal alien amnesty bills last week. Together, H.R. 6 and H.R. 1603 would grant amnesty to 4 million illegal aliens, while doing nothing to stop the catastrophe at the southern border. Of course, passing huge amnesties will INCREASE the border surge. As I wrote last week, stopping the bills in the House was a tall order since earlier versions had passed the House in the previous Congress. The good news is that massive phone calling and messaging efforts from our members narrowed the vote margin. Now, onto the Senate, where we have well-founded hope of defeating the bills. We don't know how long we have to stop it, so we need to mobilize NOW. This is one reason why our matching campaign continues. If it's been a while since you've given, this is a great opportunity: We need to stop the Biden amnesty agenda and donating to our match campaign is a great way to do that. Generous major donors have pledged or given $157,650 to Action on the understanding that our members will match those gifts with their own donations, dollar for dollar!
Let me tell you why we have a good chance at stopping the amnesty bills: First, the Senate was designed to be the slower, more thoughtful body. Our founding fathers felt there should be some consensus before Congress passed legislation. They believed the fleeting circumstances of a single election shouldn't empower one faction to make sweeping changes in the fabric of our democracy. For now, it still takes 60 votes to pass legislation. Another thing: this slow-down is giving the nation the chance to see the horrifying effects of the Pres. Biden's dismantling of our immigration laws: Children are being squeezed into very overcrowded facilities in numbers reminiscent of what happened during the Obama administration. Whereas Pres. Trump temporarily solved the crisis by expediting deportation hearings to send children and their parents home, Pres. Biden is rewarding their parents' lawlessness and shipping illegal aliens all across the country... without setting hearing dates. The media is reporting that some detainees are being released even after testing positive for COVID! And still the number of detained children still grows and grows.
The Biden Administration has handled the media in a clumsy way throughout. Even in the mainstream media, no one is buying that the border is under control. The crisis is all over papers and network newscasts. As a result of all this, public opinion has turned sharply against the mass immigration status quo. Rasmussen Reports has asked likely voters the exact same 10 immigration questions since late 2019. Since Biden's election, according to the index, public support for lax immigration policies has plunged. In the latest survey, for example, 59% feel the government is doing too little to reduce illegal border crossings and visa overstays. Only 14% say the government is doing too much. Also, a new Politico/Morning Consult poll shows that only 43 percent of voters believe that illegal aliens in the U.S. should be given an amnesty including a pathway to citizenship. That figure has dropped 14 points since January! Even Mexican president Adres Manuel Lpez Obrador has expressed fears that the chaos on the border is encouraging an increase in drug, child and weapons trafficking. So it looks like the public is waking up to the terrible consequences of Biden's immigration policies. But we are FAR from home free with these bills in the Senate. We face a very dangerous situation. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) says he's actively recruiting Republican Senators to join with Democrats to beat the filibuster and pass the bills. Our past experience teaches that a number of GOP Senators feel lots of pressure from the cheap labor lobby. Also, though it will be at least two weeks before the Senate can "take up" these bills, after that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) can bring them up for a vote the minute he can hobble together 60 votes for the amnesties. Only immense public pressure will stop this. This is where NumbersUSA and our millions of followers become so essential. It takes a lot of $$ to pour on the toll-free calls, the Internet messages, the direct lobbying, and the rest that makes wavering Senators think twice about approving foolish immigration giveaways. We need you to help us finance this push.
It's astonishing the way some in Congress cling to the notion that there is a shortage of workers. This is despite unemployment and underemployment remaining persistently high as the economy tries to recover from the lingering coronavirus pandemic. Here's Rep. Jerry Nadler, from New York of all places, making this absurd claim: "[W]e do have a crisis in this country. The crisis consists of a shortage of workers. . . Passage of H.R. 6 is long overdue. Today's vote will dictate the millions of recipients and greatly help the economy of this country."" -- Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)) New York has almost a million fewer jobs than it did just one year ago... and its unemployment is rising again over the last few months! And Nadler still wants to bring in more cheap, unskilled workers. We urgently need to expand the pressure on the Senate as they contemplate action on the two amnesty bills. Please help us. We've got a good start at meeting our NumbersUSA Action match campaign goal, but we're still only a little more than 70% there. If you've been waiting to give, this is the time. We've never had a more urgent need, and we've never had a larger Action match campaign. So please, give today. You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].