People For Member, Our #HerFightOurFight campaign to defend women of color nominees against vicious right-wing attacks is well under way and we need your help to keep building it as we see Biden’s highly qualified nominees for key DOJ posts come under fire… Vanita Gupta, a civil rights HEROINE nominated to one of the top posts at the Justice Department, is the target of a coordinated attack that includes a million-dollar ad campaign by Radical Right groups and some truly wild smear attempts by far-right senators. Kristen Clarke, another champion who is nominated by Biden to be the first Black woman to head the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, is being targeted in similar fashion… And, of course, this is all leading up to the next Supreme Court fight, as President Biden has already made it clear that he’d like to nominate a Black woman to our nation’s highest court. (It seems like the Right is trying to perfect their playbook.) We won’t let them get away with it. These nominees have spent careers fighting for people who needed it … whose rights were being violated … who were being abused by powerful interests. They made those people’s fights theirs. And, now, with the #HerFightOurFight campaign, we’re making their fight ours. We’re doing it with grassroots organizing in key Senate target states … ads produced by the new video lab we’ve built around this campaign … thought leadership and winning the messaging war online and in the press … and more. But we need your help and we need it right away. Back in October, during the heat of the presidential campaign, if you noticed that the attacks from the Far Right and Trump against then vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris seemed particularly vicious you were right. And it was part of a larger pattern. Women of color have been a favorite target of the Right for decades – especially women of color who are effective at standing up against powerful interests to protect the rights of people and communities. One of People For’s founders Barbara Jordan, a Black congresswoman from Texas, had her fair share of attacks. So have People For board members like Mary Frances Berry and Dolores Huerta. And, more recently, we’ve seen this pattern of racist and misogynist attacks play out against Vice President Harris and members of Congress from old school progressive fighters like Maxine Waters to “Squad” members like Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez… With President Biden already nominating a historic number of women of color to key administration posts and women of color expected to be well represented among Biden’s judicial nominees, the Far Right is setting up for a feeding frenzy … ready to whip up their base with bigotry, using right-wing media to amplify their lies, and dumping mountains of cash into smear ads. Are you ready to join us in fighting back? Thank you so much for being part of this. Breaking glass ceilings, making history, and bending the arc of the moral universe towards justice are never easy. But People For members like you are our best hope … and I know that together we can achieve the progress for which we’ve worked so hard. Keep fighting, Sarah, Ben, Rio, Zach, Meg, and the #HerFightOurFight Team