Dear John—
Two months into the Biden administration, the fate of the Iran nuclear deal remains uncertain. Rather than abide by campaign promises to return the U.S. to the Iran nuclear deal, the Biden team has done nothing to reverse Trump's failed "maximum pressure" policy that imposed crushing sanctions on a nation of 83 million people amidst a global pandemic. The longer Iran and the U.S. remain in a political deadlock, the greater the risk of irreparable harm to the road to diplomacy.
That’s why NIAC wants YOU to join our #ReSealTheDeal Week of Action.
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Beginning March 29th, thousands of pro-diplomacy Americans across the country will raise their voices in support of the JCPOA. Each day will be marked by different actions YOU can take to put the political pressure we need on Congress and the Biden administration to take bold, decisive action to return to the deal.

Together, we can urge President Biden to turn the page and make it clear that we must save the JCPOA and re-pave the path to diplomacy with Iran.
In solidarity,
Donna Farvard
National Organizing Director, NIAC
P.S. Make sure to RSVP to our The Iran Nuclear Deal or No Deal panel this upcoming Wednesday, and if you have already make sure to share it with as many people as possible. This is a conversation you won't want to miss. More details here.