Dear Friend, The ballot is now set! I am now officially on the ballot for the Democratic Primary on Tuesday June 8th and I need your support to serve a second term as your Mayor. We are in a unique and challenging moment for our City. Our success has never been assured. It has been created through generations of leaders who have placed the City’s future first. In the face of the pandemic, we have demonstrated that we could build the creative partnerships to preserve public health, protect our residents and keep our small businesses afloat. Leading the recovery requires that we support our children, invest in sustainable infrastructure and expand our economy. As we grow, we can define a new model of inclusive growth that repairs the persistent racial inequities in our City. As we sprint to the Democratic Primary, I ask for three things to support my efforts to lead Alexandria forward: 1) Early voting begins in less than a month. You can apply today to receive a ballot by mail. You can also vote in person at 132 N. Royal Street beginning on April 23rd. Mark your calendar! 2) Please assist my efforts to serve Alexandria by making a contribution to this new campaign. 3) Share this message with your friends and post about our campaign on social media. In a pandemic, the individual and virtual advocacy will make the difference. Let me know your ideas. I am thankful to have your support. Justin Contribute Paid for and Authorized by Wilson For Mayor Wilson For Mayor | 300 Aspen Street, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22305 Unsubscribe
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