
You are invited to join an exclusive group of DFA activists who are always with us on day one: our monthly supporters also known as our DFA Defenders.

This special group is with our team in each and every fight, in all 50 states, up and down the ballot and I want to make sure you’re a part of it.

You will be there when we fight against the next Q’Anon candidate. You’ll be there when we support the next Stacey Abrams. We’ll stand together for Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. We’ll be united against attacks on voting rights and racial justice. You’ll be with us on day one as we flip states like North Carolina, Ohio, and Florida from purple to blue.

You’ll be there as we build the campaigns needed to flip critical Senate and House races from insurrectionist Republicans nationwide -- because as a DFA Defender, you power our movement for change.

Whether you make a small commitment or a large investment, monthly donations of any amount are the backbone of this organization. Become a DFA Defender right now!

Here’s why becoming a DFA Defender is the best way to support our work

There is never an off-year for DFA
You help us work with campaigns year around. Elections never stop. Whether it's a local school board or the U.S. Congress, elections happen every month of every year. Since our founding, DFA has elected over 1000 people to office, trained over 125,000 candidates, campaign staff and volunteers, made over 33 million voter contacts and raised more than $70 million for progressive candidates and causes. The work of fighting for change never ends, and DFA makes sure your investment in progressive movement-building goes the distance.

Power the largest coordinated PAC in America
With DFA, every dollar you contribute goes further. Field operations and phone outreach are coordinated closely with campaigns so we can expand the footprint of each candidate by covering fresh ground. We don't knock on the same doors, talk to the same voters, and do what's already been done. Most importantly the wealth of data we collect is shared directly with the campaign, providing them with navigational assets that would otherwise be unattainable without working together.

Invest early in progressive visionaries
DFA is often the first to endorse and support a candidate making us the tip of the spear in finding and funding the leaders of tomorrow. From State Senator Barack Obama in 2004 to Stacey Abrams on day one of her first campaign for Governor in 2017, DFA has always led the movement, highlighting the heroes of tomorrow with the early support that makes a difference TODAY.

Fighting everywhere so we can win everywhere
We have always believed in the 50 state strategy. Supporting races in red, blue and purple states, up and down the ballot from school board to district attorney, and from Governors to the U.S. Presidency, we know that if you fight everywhere, you can win anywhere.

Electing the New American Majority
The progressive movement grows stronger every day because we are powered by the New American Majority; people of color and progressive white voters. We win when we invest in all our communities, engage year around in deep organizing, and elect progressive leaders who have the life experience to build a reflective democracy.

Sustain momentum with multi-cycle organizing
Our work has always focused on long-term organizing, from flipping Georgia in 2021 with work started in 2017 to turning Virginia from Purple to Blue over 7 years and dozens of campaigns in 2019, we've proven to make a real, lasting impact, you must work to expand the electorate by reaching voters who have been historically ignored and commit to multi-cycle organizing that doesn't stop at the end of just one campaign.

You can keep us battle-ready for rapid response and immediate impact
Your support allows us to hit the ground running when a cause, an issue, or a candidate needs our support no matter when or where it happens. We're ready to make an immediate impact, because we have you backing us up every step of the way.

Finally, let me wrap this up by highlighting a few of the perks of being a DFA Defender:

  • A quarterly newsletter to make sure you get the insider's scoop on progressive hot topics, our political strategists' predictions, up-and-coming progressive change-makers and play-by-play on the work we're doing for issues you care about most
  • Exclusive discounts on merchandise, books by progressive authors
  • Invite-only living room chats with DFA CEO and ABC Contributor Yvette Simpson, our media and political strategy team, and occasional special guests

Phew, that's a lot. Did I make the case? Are you excited to join the team?

Join us in the fight each and every day by becoming a DFA Defender today.

We're unstoppable when we work together.

- Ben 

Ben Hudson
Development Manager
Democracy for America