Holding the Line fo Truth:
Biblical Marriage, Gender, and Family
Scripture is clear. God created people, and He created them male and female. God created marriage. It is a sacred covenant between one man, one woman, and their God. Yet the world would obfuscate what God has made clear. Believers must stand together in defense of truth.

What You Need to Know About HR 5
John Stonestreet of Breakpoint explains the devastating consequences that would result if HR 5 (The "Equality Act") is passed and gives practical steps on how you can help stop this dangerous legislation. Read more. This draconian bill is now before the US Senate. For information on how you can contact your Senator, click here. People of faith should also know that H.R. 5, "explicitly targets" the Bible with provisions that erase any allowance for differences between men and women. Find the full story here.

Vatican bars gay union blessing, saying "God can't bless sin."
The Vatican holds that gay people must be treated with dignity and respect, but that gay sex is “intrinsically disordered.” Read more.

Bethany Christian Services to Adopt to LGBTQ Parents
This is NOT good news! Bethany Christian Services will now provide adoption services to LGBTQ parents nationwide. “Bethany’s surrender exemplifies the growing cultural pressures from the LGBTQ community and the looming threat of the Equality Act." Learn more.

Track Athlete Resists Forced Competition Against Biological Males
CTV applauds the principled stance of this young woman! Alanna Smith, a high school track athlete from Connecticut, and three other female competitors in high school track are taking a stand for fairness in girls and women’s sports. They filed a federal lawsuit challenging the Connecticut policy that allows transgender students to compete in girls athletics. Read the full story here.

US Senate Fails Female Athletes
The U.S. Senate took a vote to withhold funds from schools that allow males to participate in activities or sports designated for females, but the bill failed due to a lack of support. Both Michigan Senators, Peters and Stabenow, voted to defeat this common-sense legislation in the U.S. Senate. Read more.

Amazon Censors Author for Defending Traditional Gender
"Online retailer Amazon has removed scholar Ryan Anderson's book critiquing the transgender movement in its latest move suppressing conservative thought on LGBT issues." Read the full story here.
In Defense of the Sanctity of Life
Protecting the Sanctity of Life is a hallmark of biblical citizenship. Now more than ever, the church must defend unborn children and be aware of public policy that would destroy innocent life at any age. As much as the Bible teaches that life is a sacred gift from the Lord, in Exodus 23:7, it also warns of consequence for anyone who destroys this gift when scripture states, "Do not kill the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked.”

As God-fearing citizens, we have a duty to be good stewards of all that He has charged us to protect. In a nation that has chosen to destroy life for decades, the people of God must embrace their calling to be the pro-life generation and stand in the gap for those without a voice.

Can our Tax Dollars Fund Abortion? SCOTUS to Decide.
The U.S. Supreme Court recently agreed to take a case concerning a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services rule that prevents federal family-planning funding under the Title X program from being used for abortions. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit blocked the HHS regulations in Maryland while a 9th Circuit decision in a separate case upheld them. The rulings create a split between the circuits that only the Supreme Court can resolve." Read more.

Planned Parenthood Annual Report Shows It Killed 354,000 Babies in Abortions, More Than Ever Before
It is a tragic and heartbreaking number. In their latest annual report, the abortion giant boasts that "Approximately 393,000 unintended pregnancies averted by Planned Parenthood." CTV remains steadfast in the conviction that every life is created by God; as such, each life is sacred and must be protected. As we grieve the destruction of these innocent lives, we pledge to never cease fighting to end the evil of of abortion. Read more.

"Covid" Relief Bill Contains up to $100 Million to Fund Abortion
The President signed the so-called COVID relief bill that is the greatest expansion of abortion in a decade. Although he claims to be a “devout Catholic,” Biden just signed a bill that forces Americans to fund abortions and the Planned Parenthood abortion business. It is the largest expansion of abortion funding since 2010, when Democrats passed Obamacare. Read more.

Wins for Good Governance
Supreme Court Stands with College Student who Shared His Faith
It is wonderful to see that the U.S. Supreme Court recognizes that freedom of speech and religion are among the most basic rights enshrined in our Constitution. Read the full story of how the US Supreme held a public university accountable for silencing a student for openly sharing his faith on campus. Read more.

Unlock Michigan Initiative Passes Initial Review
Unlock Michigan released an update on the project to restore the balance of power in our state government, stating that "It’s taken much longer than it should have, but the Secretary of State’s office has completed its initial review of the petitions." Earlier this week, the Michigan Secretary of State’s office confirmed the validity of of over 536,000 signatures. As the state moves ahead to enact the people's legislation, the Bureau of Elections will now draw a sample of 500 signatures to validate one by one. Then, the Legislature will give a final vote in the House and the Senate to enact the reform. Read the full update from Unlock Michigan here.

Michigan Legislature Stands Up to Unlawful Expansion of Gaming
CTV Applauds the work of the Michigan House of Representatives, who passed a resolution last month upholding the existing gaming compact and showing intend to deny attempts by the Little River Band to initiate off-reservation expansion of casino gaming. Learn more.
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Citizens for Traditional Values is supported entirely by the generous donations of businesses, individuals, and churches. Our supporters share in our vision of educating citizens on issues that are important to us, advocating for traditional family values and engaging in political action by endorsing candidates and policies. Thank you for investing in our vision and mission.