Dear John,
It’s been a difficult week. As flags flew at half mast, we mourned the senseless killing of eight people -- six of whom were Asian women -- in the Atlanta area. Then, once again, we had to face the tragic consequences of the uniquely American epidemic of gun violence. On Monday, ten people were murdered with an AR-15 as they shopped for groceries in Boulder, Colorado.
Our hearts are with the families and communities who are the victims of these tragedies. Simultaneously, we mourn for the families and communities around the nation who are affected by gun violence that does not make the national headlines.
At the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, we are laser-focused on compelling Congress to pass legislation to prevent the tragedy of gun violence.
In less than three months, we mobilized to make gun violence prevention legislation a top priority in Congress. And we made progress!
We’ve seen the House of Representatives pass vital life-saving legislation to save American lives:
H.R. 8 -- the Bipartisan Background Checks Act would expand the requirement for background checks for all gun sales including private sales.
H.R. 1446 -- the Enhanced Background Checks Act would close the “Charleston Loophole” in the national instant criminal background checks system.
H.R. 7120 -- the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act would provide accountability and transparency in enacting policies to address structural racism in law enforcement and end discriminatory policing practices.
H.R. 1620 -- the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act would close loopholes that have allowed abusive dating partners to have access to firearms.
We expect more to follow, with action on the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act and Lethal Means Safety Act soon to come.
Make no mistake, this is progress. But we need to get these bills past the finish line.
We need your support to push for this life-saving legislation as it moves to the United States Senate. Every senator must be on record: Do you support life-saving gun violence prevention policies or do you stand with the gun lobby and the gun manufacturers?
Please make a gift to help us seize this crucial moment and advocate for laws that will keep families and communities safe.
Thank you for being a member of the gun violence prevention movement. We could not have made these gains without you. WE HAVE NOT COME THIS FAR TO NOT SUCCEED!
Now is the time to win the fight for the safety of the American people. Our team cannot do this work without you. We need your support to prevail!
Josh Horwitz
Executive Director
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
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