Too many Americans are experiencing financial hardship right now, so if you cannot afford to give today -- that's okay. I'm grateful knowing you opened this email and are a part of our team. Thank you for your support. 


Dear John, 

It's less than a week until our first important fundraising deadline of the year. Can you help by chipping in?

I've been fighting hard in Washington for needed economic relief and to defeat this pandemic. I'm proud of what we've done and there is so much more work that needs to be accomplished. Whether it's infrastructure, climate change, health care, racial justice, or voting rights, I'm ready to roll up my sleeves. 
In today's climate, campaign season starts earlier than ever, and next Wednesday is our first major filing deadline. I need your help to stay in Washington and to keep fighting for the First District. Can you help by chipping in $5, $25, $50, or $100 to help Team Larson reach our quarterly goal? 
As always, thank you for your support. 

My sincerest thanks, 


Paid for by Larson for Congress, Barry Feldman, Treasurer

Larson for Congress
PO Box 261172
Hartford CT 06126 United States