I worry the views of an ethno-nationalist fringe are increasingly adopted and accommodated by more mainstream parties.
J Street

Friend --

For a fourth time in two years, Israel’s election has given no leader a clear path to forming a government.

With this situation still in flux, one thing is clear: Like Americans, Israelis remain deeply divided across the fault lines of race, religion, identity and power. And just as in America, we are seeing the views of an extremist fringe increasingly adopted and accommodated by more mainstream parties.

As pro-Israel, pro-peace progressives, we can take some heart from the stronger-than-expected performance of progressive parties like Meretz and Labor. But we’re also appalled that Israel’s most extreme party -- a coalition of Kahanists, Jewish supremacists and proud anti-LGBT bigots -- has entered the Knesset and could even be included in the next government.

Their rise did not occur in a vacuum. Prime Minister Netanyahu campaigned for them and facilitated mergers to increase their vote share. He and other leaders on the right laid the groundwork for their emergence by mainstreaming some of their most hateful views.

Indeed, in the final days of the election, a number of right-wing leaders campaigned for the demolition of the Palestinian village of Khan al Ahmar. Netanyahu boasted of repeated demolitions of another village. A former senior official described the Israeli government’s aim as keeping areas of the West Bank ‘clean’ for annexation.

In this context -- with so much at stake -- J Street’s work is more important than ever. We must stand together against the far right -- here and in Israel -- to fight for Israel’s democratic character, defend Palestinian rights and demand that our own US leadership push back against an unacceptable and unsustainable status quo.

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With most ballots counted and no clear majority, what happens now?

Despite polls showing that a majority of Israelis oppose Netanyahu (and despite his ongoing corruption trial) he will remain Prime Minister for the foreseeable future. Israelis will likely endure months of political maneuvering as Netanyahu and others attempt to build a majority. A fifth election is not out of the question.

During this time, proponents of annexation and Greater Israel will press forward with their goals of destroying Palestinian communities, building on Palestinian land and entrenching an oppressive, unjust occupation.

In the face of these harmful actions, J Street will continue to stand on the front lines of the American political and communal struggles that will define the future of both countries.

Most importantly, we will press the Biden administration to move away from ‘business as usual’ in the Middle East. More effective US leadership means not only rolling back the worst of the Trump administration’s policies on Israel and Palestine, but outlining a clear and coherent path forward to ensure real consequences for creeping annexation, to protect Palestinian rights and to secure Israel’s future as a just, peaceful and democratic homeland for the Jewish people.

We have a lot of work to do. But with the support of 200,000 activists across the country and allies in Congress and the White House, no organization is better suited for this moment.

If you’re able, please consider a Passover contribution to help sustain the fight >>

Wishing you and your family a meaningful and joyous Passover,

Jeremy Ben-Ami
President, J Street

Our post-election analysis

Hungry for in-depth analysis about the election results? Watch our J Stream program with Israel-based journalist Neri Zilber, conducted yesterday.

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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