“Because I lost 3 extended family members to suicide by gunshots.”
Ruth, Cumberland County

“To show my love for America as a hunter and a gun owner.”
Carol, Swarthmore

“So I can fight for the changes that CeaseFirePA is advocating.”
Dave, New Cumberland

Friend— These are a few reasons why more than 300 Pennsylvanians joined us on Monday to virtually advocate for a Common Agenda to End Gun Violence. From trauma surgeons to pastors to family members forced to live without loved ones, advocates gathered to make communities safer.

After dozens of meetings with both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, we produced new cosponsors for all three of the policies proposed in the Common Agenda. 

This was a huge step forward in our mission to make the lives of Pennsylvania safer from gun violence, but we can’t let up now. 

Now we’re launching an ambitious campaign to turn up the pressure on legislators. We need to raise $20,000 by the end of the month to ensure we have the resources to follow through.

Donate $10 today to help us meet our goal, and to give us the funds to push forward on our Common Agenda to End Gun Violence.

One of the biggest political reporters in PA, John Micek, laid out our plan best the day after our event, “It’ll take the word of a deer hunter from Susquehanna County... It’ll take a man of the cloth who ministered to a flock in House Speaker Brian Cutler’s Lancaster County.”¹

It’s going to take more than that. We’re recruiting faith leaders in targeted districts who will make a moral case to protect your neighbor’s life. Veterans who know the lethal nature of firearms deserve respect and worry about growing suicide rates. Survivors who are turning their grief into action. Doctors who want to stop taking bullets out of patients. With these allies and others in all legislative districts, we can’t be ignored.

That’s the coalition you can help us build.

Our organizers are working with a statewide volunteer network to hold legislators accountable on gun safety. Whether through protests or media coverage, we’re amplifying that the majority of Pennsylvanians want common-sense gun safety solutions. 

In the last two days, the stories of survivors, doctors, and students appeared in dozens of media stories as we pushed forward the Common Agenda. We covered the state from the Post-Gazette to the Morning Call. Now, the Common Agenda Communications Committee is taking that to push forward the evidence that we can reduce gun violence if the political will exists.

From Pittsburgh to Harrisburg to Philadelphia, our team stands ready to empower local communities and put pressure on politicians to prioritize gun violence prevention efforts.

We know the work needed to curb the epidemic of gun violence in our communities, but we need your help to finish the job. Your donation today will ensure that we have the resources to take a stand against gun violence in Pennsylvania.

Thank you for all you do,

Adam Garber
Executive Director, CeaseFirePA

¹Micek, John. "She’s a hunter from rural Pa. who supports gun reform. Will lawmakers finally listen?" March 24 2021, Penn Capital-Star.

P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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