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This year, PEAK Grantmaking celebrates our 25th anniversary! As we commemorate our past, we also look to our future – envisioning the next 25 years for PEAK, grants management, and the philanthropic sector.
As a member-led, member-driven organization, we couldn’t do it without our community. Please RSVP to join us, where we’ll kick off the celebration for this milestone year at our annual membership meeting. We have an exciting program planned, along with some surprises, to kick off our 25th in PEAK style!
I cannot wait to celebrate with you!
Satonya Fair, JD
President and CEO


2021 Annual Membership Meeting & 25th Anniversary Kick-Off 

We are excited to invite our entire community to join PEAK’s board and staff for our Annual Membership Meeting and to kick off our 25th Anniversary celebration!

During the meeting, we will reflect on PEAK’s past, present, and future – looking back over the unprecedented year of 2020, remembering highlights from our 25-year history with members and friends, and taking a “peak” at all that we have in store for 2021 and beyond.

PEAK Grantmaking
1666 K St NW Ste 440
Washington, DC 20006-1242

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