Dear Friend,
We have exciting news for fans of Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe!
What if I told you there was an unpublished Hoppean treatise, a staggering book which encapsulated his entire worldview in one magnificent volume?
This book exists, and we plan to publish it later this spring. And we want you to be part of it.
Here’s the background: in June 2004, Professor Hoppe visited our campus in Auburn to deliver an ambitious series of lectures titled Economy, Society, and History. What followed was an intellectual tour de force few academics would even attempt.
Only those lucky enough to attend heard these lectures. This is entirely “new” material for the vast majority of Hoppe fans.
Over ten lectures, one each morning and afternoon for a week, Dr. Hoppe presented nothing short of a sweeping historical narrative and vision for a society rooted in markets and property. Delivered only from notes to an audience of academics and intellectuals, the lectures showed astonishing depth and breadth. Click here for full letter.