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Fundraising helps our candidates win.

Dear Sister District Volunteer,

We're in the final stretch - the Virginia elections are just a few weeks away. With impeachment hearings now on it's even more important to focus on our state-level races. Sister District DC/VA is aiming to raise $5000 for our candidates by October 24th, 2019. We need your help!
  • First, will you donate $25 to help our candidates?
  • Second, will you send fundraising requests to your friends, family, and social networks? We've included the text below.
Donate $25 to Flip Virginia

Send this email to your networks:

Subject line: Help me meet my goal!

Dear ____,

As you might know, I have been focusing my political attention lately on Democratic down-ballot races, specifically state legislative races. 

State legislatures are super important, but have been really overlooked by Democrats. Why is control of state governments so important?  They’re leadership pipelines (half of all presidents started as state legislators), and policy pipelines.  And in most states, it’s the legislature that draws congressional and state legislative district boundaries, so it’s where we can fight back against GOP gerrymandering. Since states are increasingly important in setting policy that impacts our daily lives, from access to reproductive health services to education, it is more important than ever for us to invest in flipping and making inroads in state legislatures across the country. 

I’ve been volunteering with Sister District— a non-profit dedicated to making state legislatures more progressive and fighting back against GOP gerrymandering. It’s been a great way to feel useful.

I know that donating is sometimes the easiest way for people to get involved. So I’m wondering if you might be able to pitch in at least $25.00 for the great candidates my team is supporting in Virginia this year. 

Virginia is a critical presidential battleground state for next year, and the whole legislature is just a few seats away from flipping blue this year!

We’re raising money for Joshua Cole, who is challenging an incumbent Republican who narrowly defeated him in 2017 and Hala Ayala, who is defending her seat. These candidates are facing tough Republican opponents who want the absolute worst for Virginia.

Because of that, I am personally reaching out to my friends and family to try to raise $500 for these amazing Virginia candidates by October 24, 2019. Will you join me by chipping in whatever you can to help me meet my goal?

I know the 1,000 Democratic presidential hopefuls are killing our inboxes and wallets lately. But every dollar counts to a down-ballot candidate and these races are so critical to defending our democracy and building toward a progressive country for all of us.

Please contribute if you can here:

With warm wishes—and onward to Democratic victories!
Many thanks,

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Sister District
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Sister District DC
Sister District Project
340 South Lemon Avenue No. 8737
Walnut, CA 91789

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