From Jerry Moran <[email protected]>
Subject $1.9 Trillion was Reckless
Date March 25, 2021 1:30 PM
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You know that I have always fought against Washington's alarming spending problem, and I won't stop now!

The Democrats shoved through a massive $1.9 TRILLION bill that is packed with unnecessary spending that’s unrelated to COVID-19 relief. In fact, less than 10% of the so-called relief package is going towards health care and vaccine distribution efforts.

This is unacceptable and reemphasizes why we must FIRE SCHUMER next year!

Last year was extremely difficult for families and small businesses, but spending trillions of dollars only undermines economic recovery in the long run. If we aren't careful, our children and grandchildren will spend years paying for these reckless policies.

That's why I strongly opposed this wasteful spending bill – it does not serve our current needs or set us up for success and growth in the future!

I have always been a strong conservative leader. That's why President Trump chose me as his first U.S. Senate endorsement of the cycle. I will continue to fight for common-sense solutions in Washington!

If you are able, please consider donating to my campaign today: [link removed]

Very truly yours,

Jerry Moran

Paid for by Moran for Kansas, Inc.

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