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We’re coming up FAST on our first major fundraising deadline since Joe Biden took office, and it’s CRITICAL that we show up in a big way! 

Hoosiers had some great wins in 2020, but that has made the radical left even more desperate to bring a blue wave to Indiana. If we don’t stay vigilant — that’s exactly what will happen.  

Please help us stay ahead of the liberal machine by donating what you can right now, before MIDNIGHT on March 31st.  


We have a lot going on in Indiana. Senator Todd Young just announced his reelection campaign this month. We’re sure to have another tight race in the 5th district again. The Democrats are already powering up their voting machine to try and flip these seats and widen their majorities, and we need to start rallying NOW to stop them. 

Help send a message to Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer that they’re not going to take Indiana. We’re putting up a fight, and we’re going to keep our great state RED in 2022 and beyond! 

Thanks for your help,  
Kyle Hupfer, IN GOP Chairman 

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