March Update
Upcoming Events 
April 9th (In-Person): New York City Chapter Event - Small Businesses: Now and the Future with Bill Briggs
NYC Event
April 7th (Virtual): Former Mayor Kevin Faulconer (San Diego, 2014-2020)
Chapter Leader Profile
Brittany Corfman Parks - Orlando 
Brittany is the winner of the most recent new member signup competition - congratulations!

Brittany Corfman Parks has been an advocate and champion for MavPAC since 2015, when she was first introduced to the organization through Board Member Ben Proler. She currently Co-Chairs the MavPAC Orlando Chapter, working hand-in-hand with Sunny Aggarwal and Glenton Gilzean. Previously, Parks has served on the 2020 ‘Future 40’ Committee and Candidate Selection Committee. She lives in Maitland, Florida with her husband Jake and their Chihuahua Nina. 
Parks has recently joined Marc Media, a Central Florida media startup serving as the organization’s new Director of Development. Outside of Marc Media, Parks also serves as a Board Member for Pace Center for Girls of Orange County, Florida. A holistic, strength-based, female-focused program providing guidance and direction to young women around the country. 

She most recently served by appointment on the Orlando Historic Preservation Board and is an Immediate Past President of the Orlando Republican Women Federated. In 2020, Parks was invited to participate in the American Enterprise Institute’s Leadership Spring Cohort.  
What is your favorite thing about MavPAC?
The network we are building is the foundation of the party we want for our county. It's real and it's exciting! 
What is your favorite MavPAC memory/moment?
After the 2018 midterms, I reached out to then Co-Chair Morgan Ortagus (a fellow Floridian) through Twitter and asked her to come to Orlando for a Happy Hour and pitch MavPAC. Morgan responded very positively to my Twitter message and came to Orlando in March 2019. She encouraged me to start a MavPac Chapter and the rest is history.
Personnel Update
Friday was Lucas White's last day at Maverick PAC. We are thankful for his hard work and dedication over the past 16 months as our Membership Director and wish him all the best as he takes the next step in his career. He recently renewed his personal membership and is looking forward to staying engaged as a member.

Alongside our general consulting and communications firm, Prism Group, we are undergoing a national search for his replacement. At least one active member has already interviewed for the position and we look forward to introducing you to the new hire soon.

Historically, Maverick PAC has one of the lowest burn rates of any political organization. Thanks to the tireless efforts of members like yourself, we are able to keep overhead extremely low and focus our financial resources on electing conservatives to federal office. 

Fritz Brogan 
National Board Chairman
Professional Network
Don't miss out on your member benefits!

To keep active MavPAC members engaged with each other professionally, we have created a private group.
 CLICK HERE to request your access.
MavPAC LinkedIn
If you haven’t already, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook, to keep up with the MavPAC community.
Please let us know other speakers you would like to hear from by emailing [email protected]
MavPAC Monthly Recap
Miami Event

Congratulations to Tampa Bay Co-Chair Tyler Payne for being elected Mayor of Treasure Island! We were excited to root you on and we wish you and your community the best. The future of the GOP is bright and Mavericks are leading the way.
Read More Here
Welcome, Mavericks
We would like to send a warm welcome to Mavericks who've recently joined or renewed their membership!
MavPAC Merch Available Now!
Buy Now
A CALL TO ACTION: MavPAC has made a name for itself by the sheer strength of our members (YOU). As a Maverick, we encourage you to invite your friends to come to our open events and join our organization. The more high-quality members that we are able to engage, recruit, and develop, the bigger the impact our unique organization is going to have in Congress and in this country.
MavPAC Memberships
MavPAC Email
We want to hear from you! What should be on our radar?
Email tips to
 [email protected]
Paid for by Maverick PAC USA and not authorized by any candidate or committee.
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