“If we receive a proposal, we’ll sit and talk."
Knesset Member Mansour Abbas, the head of the Israeli Islamist Ra’am Party, who found himself in the unlikely position of kingmaker following Tuesday’s elections, when asked if he will join a Netanyahu-led government.

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
Israel's Elections (March 24, 2021)
Q. You are writing less than 24 hours after the polls closed. Nearly 90 percent of the votes have been counted. What can you tell us?
A. There is no clear winner. It is impossible to point to the emergence of an ‘obvious’ winning coalition or stable government...
Q. Surely you can point to significant dynamics and developments that emerged in this election . . .?
A. Definitely...
Q. So what are the possible outcomes? What happens when the smoke clears?
A. First, note that the vote count will only conclude this Friday. Official results will be presented to President Rivlin only after the Pesach holiday, in early April.
Q. Bottom line?
A. First, a large number of politicians now face the need to make far-reaching concessions and abandon previously iron-clad ideologies and principles in order to form any coalition... Second, when all is said and done, and after months of negotiations and haggling, a fifth round is a very likely outcome...
Q. Hold on. At least tell us whom you voted for in this crazy election, and why?
A. I voted for Benny Gantz and Blue White...

Read Now: March 19, 2021
Produced by the Foundation for Middle East Peace in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Legislative Round-Up was conceived. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

TODAY, March 25, 11:00 am (Eastern)
Webinar: Analyzing Israel's Election Results with Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin
Following an election campaign that pundits depict as the sleepiest in Israel’s history, Israelis went to the polls on Tuesday for the fourth time in two years. With the preliminary results showing that neither Prime Minister Netanyahu nor his opposition have a clear path to forming the next government, coalition negotiations are happening fast and furious.
Join APN and our guest Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin for a deep dive into the details. Who is in and who is out, and who will come together to try to form the next government.
Dr. Scheindlin is a public opinion expert and an international political and strategic consultant, as well as a scholar and a writer. She has advised and conducted research on seven national campaigns in Israel over the past twenty years, and has provided research and advising for elections, referendums, and civil society campaigns in fifteen different countries.
Press Release: Israel's Real Endemic Crisis is the Occupation
A day after the fourth round of general Israeli elections in two years, with most of the votes counted, Israel seems still stuck in an ongoing, almost endemic political crisis.
But the real crisis is not the absurd cycle of elections. The real destructive crisis threatening Israel's security and democracy is its 53 years of occupation and de-facto annexation of the West Bank that pushes Israelis and Palestinians farther still from an eventual settlement to their conflict.
TAKE ACTION: Urge Secretary Blinken to Curb Enthusiasm on IHRA
Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently said that “the Biden administration enthusiastically embraces the 2016 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism,” known by its acronym as IHRA.
Join us in urging Secretary Blinken to reconsider is support for the IHRA definition.

APN to Co-Sponsor Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony on April 13th
Americans for Peace Now is co-sponsoring the annual joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony, hosted by Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle–Families Forum. On April 13, 2021 at 1:30 PM EST, peace activists worldwide will l gather virtually to call for peace, freedom, and human rights for all.
Israel’s Memorial Day, Yom Hazikaron, is a solemn day on which Israelis remember loved ones they have lost in the years of war and conflict. This Yom Hazikaron event acknowledges the pain and bereavement of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Mark Your Calendar: APN's 40th Anniversary Auction, April 11-20
Join us in celebrating our 40th anniversary with a visit to our online auction! Bidding will open April 11th and close on April 20th.
We are delighted to offer a variety of items, donated by APN supporters from around the world. Inside the auction you'll find vacation homes and airline travel, autographed items from beloved performers and cultural icons, concerts, cooking classes and other other online opportunities, art and food and more.
Your winning bids will support APN's efforts to build bridges between Israelis and Palestinians and ensure a just, secure and lasting peace.
Look for more information about the auction here in future weeks. We hope you'll join the fun!
Because of supporters like you, APN can continue pushing for a negotiated peace agreement beteween Israel and the Palestinians.
To help us cover our financial obligations, including support of colleagues at Israel's Peace Now movement, please consider making a donation now. Thank you.